A Reversal of the Neck Curve — When “Common” Becomes the Norm

Have you ever wished that you could turn back the hands of time?

Imagine stepping out side after a cleansing rain storm and seeing an up-side-down rainbow, resting like an immense singing bowl on the Earth, rather than an arch above it. You would know that something was seriously wrong— But we know that this phenomenon could never happen because of the nature of the laws of physics that govern our atmosphere. And yet, there is a common, almost casual acceptance of the reversal of one of our most natural arches—the arch of our neck.

What is normal?

When looking at the neck through the “eyes” of an X-ray machine, a graceful, lordotic curve is “normal”. That means that the convexity of the arch is to the front as shown below on the right. This is called a lordosis. Lordosis is the “normal” position for the neck and the low back. However, after certain structural stressors, many people—including children and the elderly—have a reversal of this normal lordosis. I will discuss the adverse symptoms of a reversed, abnormal curve.

Before Curve Restoration After Curve Restoration

But first, let us look at some of the causes:

The most common cause of a reversed curve of the neck is from accidents and injuries, like falls, sporting injuries and car accidents—even very low speed crashes of less than 5 MPH where there is no damage to the vehicle. These traumatic events can cause damage to the connective tissues that hold the neck and the head within proper boundaries, adversely effecting nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic drainage and the muscles of the head, neck, upper back and jaw. The muscles can remain in a stressed position, which can become the CAUSE of many of the symptoms that originate from this area. Symptoms can be diverse—- with Migraines, Vertigo, TMJ disorders and Face and Neck Pain being just the tip of the iceberg…

What is a very common finding in the cervical spine, following head and neck trauma? The “Lateral” view seen above on the left was taken before the specific upper cervical correction was performed, but shortly after a minor motor vehicle accident—this is the common finding! This otherwise healthy, fit patient had severe spasm of the neck muscles; resulting in a very painful condition we call Spasmodic Torticollis. This X-ray was taken four weeks following a “very minor” car accident wherein the patient slid side-ways into a curb. The damage to the car was minimal. Yet, the patient cannot even raise her head to the normal upright position because the spasms are so intense. The X-ray on the right shows a return of the normal curve. The GOOD NEWS is: These structures can very often be appropriately realigned and when they are, the body will began repairing and healing the injured areas.

The X-ray on the right is the corrected spinal curve, having returned to true normal lordosis following only 5 NUCCA treatments! There were no other modalities performed on this patient. I’ve seen hundreds, if not thousands of cervical curves restored with NUCCA and Atlas Orthogonal (AO). What’s hard for me to fathom, is that Emergency Departments around the country are missing the harm and potential problems that can arise from a reversed or straight neck. The stressed position of the neck as seen on the left is a common finding, and it is often trivialized or dismissed as “normal”. I can see this casual dismissal in some ways. for instance, this important finding is diminished as emergency room staff focus more on “life-threatening” immediate risk problems, and less on conditions and “findings” which might develop into long-term chronic health conditions—it’s simply not their job. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed, but my practical experience in dealing with thousands of patients “after-the-fact” is: taking relaxants will not restore the cervical curve. Further, if left uncorrected, this reversed curve can contribute to the many symptoms and syndromes that are linked to head and neck misalignments, like:

  • Headaches of all varieties
  • Jaw Joint Dysfunction and Pain, Teeth Pain, Vertigo, Double-Vision
  • Neck and Back Pain with chronic Muscle Spasms and Restricted Movement
  • Bulging Discs, and more rapidly Advancing Arthritis
  • Problems with Clear Thinking or the Ability to Focus
  • Heart and Blood Pressure problems
  • Poor Posture
  • Even Low Back, Hip and Knee Pain
  • Depression and Anxiety…. and a whole lot of frustration as “the injured” is bumped around from doctor to doctor with our any real relief..

We are not completely sure of how these conditions develop following cervical injury–we just know that they do.

The most vulnerable area of the spine is where the head rests on the neck. The top bone (called the Atlas) is a small 2-ounce ring-shaped bone with 2 small divots on either side of the spinal cord called facets—these small joints support the full weight of the skull. The adult skull often weighs more than 13 pounds! Imagine—a bowling ball mass being supported by two golf tees! But don’t be fooled—even with what appears to be a “fragile design flaw” in our anatomy, it is quite hardy—except under certain traumatic conditions; then, it can become quite vulnerable to injuries. When this area is fundamentally disturbed through trauma, the head—–and the atlas upon which it rests, lose their normal healthy alignment with one another; the result is a distortion of the spine, the spinal cord and it’s supportive tissues. There is also the possibility of a disturbance of blood flow to and from the brain.

This head and atlas malposition then causes the supporting spinal muscles to contract irregularly in compensation, and will cause the entire spine to distort out-of-balance, thereby effecting the entire body. This upper cervical distortion will almost always result in a high or low hip, a “shortened leg” syndrome ( http://www.myshortleg.com/ ), and usually a high or low shoulder. Often the head will tilt slightly to one side or the other, and the abnormal contraction of the neck muscles will force the normal lordotic curve into a reversed or straightened position—this is COMMON, but not NORMAL. Specific upper cervical X-rays will reveal the misalignment in a multidimensional fashion.

The X-ray views taken following trauma in the Emergency Room, or a doctor’s office will perhaps reveal the reversed curve, but provide little information on what’s causing it or how to fix it.

In my 15 years of practice, I have seen many forms of “therapy” designed to “restore” the normal cervical curve. Some of them you would think were designed more as torture techniques borrowed from a mad scientist laboratory than sound medical restorative therapies. One of the most ludicrous is a technique that situates the back of the neck on a “fulcrum”, while heavy weights are suspended from the forehead using gravity to literally force the head into extension! Well, I can say with certainty: there IS a better way to restore a normal, lordotic neck curve. That way is to get right down to the cause and correct it.


The X-rays below were taken over a 16-month period. There were only 5 Atlas corrections made over that time period. The X-rays are of a 19-year-old female with a history of gradual onset of neck pain, which became suddenly severe 4 weeks following her sliding side-ways into a curb while traveling as a passenger in a moving vehicle. She estimated her speed to be under 10mph. The front wheel of the car was only “slightly damaged”, and she was quite sure that such a “small bump” could not have caused her severe neck spasms.

Pre-Correction 1st Post-Correction

At 4 Months At 12 Months

Notice in the first view how her head pitches downward due to cervical muscle spasms. The patient could not lift her head any higher than this due to muscle spasms. This is what Spasmodic Torticollis looks like from the side view on an X-ray.

The first “Post” view was taken immediately following the first upper cervical procedure, and you can actually see how the muscle spasms have diminished, allowing the head and neck to begin returning to a normal position. Four months later the head is making progress with only one intervening Orthogonal Atlas adjustment having been performed. Three more Atlas “Corrections” were given over the next 12 months. In the last view, the normal curve has been restored without using contraptions or force.

Gone is the neck pain, the migraines and jaw pain. Happy is the patient!

We may not have turned back the hands of time, but for this young lady who is now 23, we have effectively taken her out of the fast-lane towards spinal degeneration, and essentially saved her from many years of painful struggle.

If you, or someone you know suffers, perhaps that suffering is needless. Don’t wait—we’re here to help.

Authors Note: In the X-rays taken above, a duplication of the patient’s “hard palate angle” seen in the first Post Correction was used as a base line. The author is aware that, though not “on level” as is the measuring convention, it was important to maintain the initial sloped palate angle in order to accurately compare subsequent X-rays as raising up the angle would induce an artifactual increase in curve.


Doctor Christopher Chapman is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic and is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician. He is Board Certified in the Atlas Orthogonal Procedure. He serves as Adjunct Faculty – Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa and is an instructor for the BYU Internship Program for pre-medical, pre-chiropractic, pre-dental undergraduate students. He serves as Multidisciplinary Chair for the Prestigious Sweat Institute in Atlanta, GA. He is a certified instructor for the basic four modules for the Atlas Orthogonal Certification Program. He lectures nationally to a multidisciplinary audience of dentists, chiropractors and allied health professionals on the subject of the atlas subluxation complex, the biomechanical effect atlas subluxation has on the craniofacial and dental system, sleep breathing disturbances and TMJ disorders. He co-teaches a course on co-management of malocclusion and atlas subluxation in a clinical setting. He has lectured for Biomodeling Solutions, The Sweat Institute, Arrowhead Laboratories, and has been a regular guest on A healthier Your Radio, a national health radio program hosted by David and Fawn Christopher .  He is a regular presenter for Biomodeling Solutions Webinar Series and has presented original research and material on the combined morbidities of atlas subluxation and malocclusion. He is a current member of the UCPA and the ICA, and is enrolled in the Upper Cervical Procedures Diplomate Program.

Presently, Dr. Chapman directs the only clinic in the United States that uses proprietary biomimetic appliances, assessment technologies, including advanced imaging along side proprietary dental protocols to provide the essential long lasting correction of unstable craniocervical instability  also known as atlas subluxation. The proprietary clinical protocols identify and focus on correcting the root-cause of the harmful “parafunction” often associated with TMJ disorders, such as clenching, teeth grinding, temporal and masseter muscle pain–and some of the objective findings such as tori formation, decrease volume of the upper airway, excessive teeth wear, exostoses and provides  craniocervical correction and the essential occlusal support for the reduction and stabilization of the craniocervical mandibular, occlusal and temporamandibular structures.

Dr. Chapman’s articles and papers appear in the NUCCA Upper Cervical Monograph, text books on The Atlas Vertebral Subluxation Complex, The School of Natural Healing news letters and most recently several articles published on the combined affect of Atlas Orthogonal adjustment and  the use of a biomimetic oral appliance in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research.

190 thoughts on “A Reversal of the Neck Curve — When “Common” Becomes the Norm

  1. I Would love to find this treatment. My neck is in a severe reversal, and I don’t want surgery. I’m a young vibrant girl. I want to feel that way all the time. I’ve suffered from this for 11 years now. Please someone help.

    1. A young woman presented last week, having been told by her primary care physician that a reverse curve really wouldn’t cause her milieu of problems. (Neck pain, neck stiffness, decreased range of motion, jaw pain, poor sleep, headaches, etc.) She then sought out the care of a chiropractor, who proceeded to assure her that her that her reversed curve was so bad that she would just have to live with it–and, see him once a week for the rest of her life just to make it bearable. (get used to it, and pay…) Desperate, worried and in tears we spoke on her first visit. I looked at her x-rays, and thought… “I think I can help this woman” (….but then again, I have thoughts like this all the time….)

      I told her that I thought she was a candidate for the procedure, we obtained useful images, and scheduled the procedure. Immediately following the procedure, I could see the life return to her face, she took a deep breath, and smiled at me.. and I thought, “oh… so this is what you look like” She spent her next 30 minutes recovering and stabilizing in my recovery area. When she arose, I post checked her and re-imaged her. The post x-rays told the story: she had embarked upon the healing path. She knew it. I knew it.

      I just posted this with images. I failed to mention, that the pre and post x-rays can be enlarged if you double click on them. The airway shadow increased by 20% immediately.. that explains the deep breath.

  2. I have a disorder called Dystonia, My head shakes uncontrollably and I get Botox every three mths to calm the skaking. Neurologist and doc say absolutely no Chiropractors, I have reversed curvature of neck and am in constant pain but unsure of where to go from here, I can deal with the bobble head part but not the pain anymore. not sure what to do or if anything can be done, or do I have to live like this for the rest of my life??!!

    1. I understand your neurologist saying “no chiropractors” –what he is really saying is: NO CRACKING OF YOUR NECK– and frankly, I couldn’t agree more. Working with several neurologists, most—when they understand the gentleness of the procedure and the absence of adverse effects will at least say, “go ahead and try it”. Some actually refer to us–but those are the more enlightened sort. It’s likely that it can help with the pain and possibly the dystonia. I have had improvement in those patients I have seen. Where are you located?

    2. Please accept my apology for the delayed reply. Generally, I would have to agree with your neurologists who are steering you away from manipulative chiropractic– there is not even much anecdotal information that I am aware of that indicates that “rotatory forces” or manipulations of the neck decrease cervical kyphosis. In fact– my experience suggests that some forceful cervical manipulations may exacerbate the cervical kyphosis and even increase it. That said– the procedure we do is safe and adverse event free (according to a study published in Journal of Human Hypertension 2007, Bakris, et al) and is known to restore lordosis in most of the cases. I have had general improvement of upper motor neuron related issues, including chronic spasmodic torticolis, Parkinson’s, MS and many other chronic conditions. I wish there was a 100% certainty in my reply–but the body is complex and the cervical spine is “wired” in to numerous regions in the brain which govern, modulate and initiate a plethora of functional phenomena. If I were you, I would be hopeful and plan a visit for a consultation. Please call our office @ 801.655.1801 to schedule if you are able. Kind Regards, Dr. Chris Chapman

    3. Well the simple answer is to find a good chiropractor and get a better doctor. My wife has been in and out of doctors’ offices for her weekly (or more often) incapacitating migraines, and she always asks if some sort of misalignment in her neck or back could be causing it. They always say no, and that chiropractors don’t know what they’re doing. She finally went to a chiropractor anyway, who found that her cervical curve is non-existent and began manipulation to correct it. At first she was excited because she finally had relief from her migraines. Then she became angry, because her doctors kept telling her specifically that there was no problem there and it could not be the cause anyway.
      In short, chiropractics and medicine are as different as chiropractics and car mechanics. Doctors who try to imply any level of knowledge in chiropractics should not be trusted, but also vice-versa: chiropractors are not doctors. Any one of the two who claims the other is a quack is likely themselves a quack.

      1. I’ve tried to keep an anti-quack policy on the blog–but I appreciate your distinction regarding knowledge base between a chiropractic physician and a medical physician. The hours of study for the MD and DC degree are almost equal. The emphasis is quite different. Degree Requirements:

        These basic educational requirements for graduates of both chiropractic and medical schools show that although each has its own specialties, the hours of classroom instruction are about the same. (The class hours for basic science comparisons were compiled and averaged following a review of curricula of 18 chiropractic colleges and 22 medical schools.)

        Degree Requirements

        These basic educational requirements for graduates of both chiropractic and medical schools show that although each has its own specialties, the hours of classroom instruction are about the same. (The class hours for basic science comparisons were compiled and averaged following a review of curricula of 18 chiropractic colleges and 22 medical schools.)

        Minimum Required Hours

        DC /MD
        456 /215 Anatomy/Embryology.
        243 /174 Physiology
        296 /507 Pathology
        161 /100 Chemistry/Biochemistry
        145 /145 Microbiology
        408 /113 Diagnosis
        149 /171 Neurology
        56 /323 Psychology/Psychiatry
        66 /284 Obstetrics & Gynecology
        271 / 13 X-ray
        168 /2 Orthopedics
        DC /MD
        2,419 2,047 Total Hours for Degree

        I hope this helps. So, when dealing with cervical problems, go to someone with answers, solutions and a track record or helping folks get better.

  3. I too have a reversed curve in neck. I suffer from ear, jaw and face pain. My neurologist has diagnosed it as trigeminal neuralgia. I have been on a Nucca treatment plan for only a week now. So far not really helped with the pain, but neck feels ”weird”. Could this feeling be my neck correcting its self? Can I be hopeful Nucca will help?

  4. I was just diagnosed with Reverse Lordosis, it’s quite scary when you see the xray come out! But thankfully with great articles such as this one I know there is a fix and I will indeed be okay. Thanks for the great information 🙂

  5. I am seeing a NUCCA chiropractor, are you familiar with this? I have a reversed cervical curve. I had a c2 fracture in 2001. I can send you the x ray picture. I would like to correct it. I have AAA insurance that covers for life.

    Matthew Grant

  6. I’m sorry, I just read more, and see that you do NUCCA care. It has been 7 months and I am not seeing any visual progress in the xray as I do in your example

  7. I was just diagnosed with reverse lordosis. Will the NUCCA “Corrections” help this? Can you please advise how I find a chiropractor in my area that specializes in the treatments you talk about?

    1. We have many folks who travel to see us and continue their followup work with local Atlas Orthogonal or NUCCA doctors. At the Chapman Clinic for Spinal Epigenetics, we are utilizing the upper cervical Orthogonal technology combined with an unique approach to restore and maintain cervical curves as well as reduce scoliosis curvature and development. Truthfully, we don’t have 100% success, but we’re gaining fast:). Spinal Epigenetics is a new field in upper cervical chiropractic, one that I and my colleagues and associates are pioneering. We are preparing for publication our clinical case studies–and will “officially” share our epigenetic findings and approach in our multidisciplinary symposium in October of this year. ( http://www.atlasorthogonality.com/images/SinghSeminar.html )

  8. I am located in SE PA and was hopful
    of finding a NUCCA Specialist in my area?
    I have reverse lordosis and disc issues with cervical
    Spine C3 thru C6
    Thank you gor your help!

  9. Are there any NUCCA-related research paper(s) published in a well known scientific journal ?

    1. Yes. Recently there was an article published in the Journal of Human Hypertension (2007) Bakris et. al by my colleague Dr. Marshall Dickholtz, Sr. showing a statistically significant affect (equal to two medications) on blood pressure reduction. Another by Woodfield, et al in JMPT (2011) on the exam procedure that NUCCA utilizes to determine an atlas subluxation showed a moderate inter-examiner reliability in the supine LLI assessment. I am presently in the process of preparing a paper on the combined treatment using a bio-mimetic occlusal appliance and Atlas Orthogonal procedure as a follow up to Woodfield’s paper. There are more coming every year.

  10. Dr. Chapman,
    I have been seeing a Nucca chiropractor for 5 years. It took a bit of time for me to get well (8 months) but i did feel better though i needed adjustments every 3 weeks. I now know that it probably was not an optimal correction for it not to hold that long. After getting pregnant and having a baby last year, i was not able to hold my adjustment for even a week after my daughter was born. . I was definitely over adjusted and sometimes was adjusted even when my hips and legs were level as my head and posture never looked right and i was so dizzy. This went on for 8 months before i finally started seeing someone new. I am holding now for about a month at a time (its been only 2 months so far) and things in the thermography are looking better and i’m holding better but my neck has these severe spasms just like in your post. I haven’t had such symptoms before it only started since about february very mild and sporadic and have been getting worse. I thought they would improve now that i’m holding for a month but they seem to be getting worse. My Nucca doctor says it’s the body trying to hold the adjustment and that it should only get stronger, but it feels like my head is being constantly pulled and doesn’t seem to be improving. In your opinion does this make sense or does it seem that the adjustment is not quite right yet? I have about 3.5 degrees of rotation and 2.5 degrees of head tilt. I started seeing a nucca doctor initially because of dizziness. I’m just really stessed and have been through a lot. If there is any way we could speak so i could get your opinion I would appreciate it. Please let me know.

    1. THe esophagus is another important functional space that can become dysfunctional as it becomes “deformed” through kyphosis. Just try swallowing with your chin tucked up against your chest…and you’ll see what I mean.

  11. I am located in Winston-Salem, NC. 26yr old female, mother of one. I had a car accident a year ago, hairline fracture to collar bone and bruised ribs. This past January I literally lifted my mother’s frig with my head. That moment, I heard something crush. After I just had headaches, ER said it was just a concussion. They done nothing else to look further. Ive let it go until it turned to migraines and head pressure in the crown(same spot i hit) turning to numbing and excruciating pain in my neck/collarbone and tailbone. I also tripped up my steel stairs outside of my apartment and smashed my collarbone carrying 20+ groceries approximately in March this year. Helpful hint: No wearing flip flops carrying groceries! I’ve seen a couple doctors. An office wasn’t taking me serious, unfortunately. I need to find the source of the problem, not looking for just meds! More than anything, I want to be able to stop if from being long term or permanent. My new doctor has done some testing, and we found I have a reversed curvature neck. But no signs of nerve entrapment or disc damages. Not sure if its due to accidents, or relates to all symptoms. All my pain and numbing comes instant now if I lay on my back putting pressure on my neck/head. Even if im sitting, standing anything…It all hurts constantly. I can barely sleep or even do normal household functions like vacuuming. Its rather disturbing. My doctor is sending me to a pain management center, good idea? And a Neurologist. I know it takes awhile to sort things out but its been over 8 months and my patience have worn very thin. And what about the rest of my main pain areas? Head, collarbone and tailbone? Can it be related to the reversed curvature in my neck? I would very much appreciate any feedback, Please & Thank You!!!!!!

  12. Hi My name is Shannon Lawrence and I was in a motor vehicle accident over 9 months ago. I had great chiropractic treatment during the initial tretament, but I might have rushed things and I work at a desk and although I tried to have good posture I failed and I have a reversal of spine that I am hoping is not to far gone that cannot be fixed. I live in San Marc os CA.. I have a lot fo medical issues and a lot of stuff occur over the months so I am not sure if it is too late and if my spinal cord is already affected..

    1. Hi Shannon– I understand that you are contemplating a visit. I encourage that. Restoring a curve becomes for problematic with time–but we really don’t know that. Case in point: I had an associate whose father is a fairly prominent NUCCA doctor, his curve was kyphotic (reversed) for nearly the entire 14 years of his NUCCA treatment. Within several months of being under my care, his curve became lordotic. There is inherent complexity–and unfortunately uncertainty in restoring cervical curves to their optimal lordotic state….but it can be done:) We hope to see you soon. Kind Regards, Dr. Chapman

  13. Hi my name is Terri in 1985 i was in a car accident and had a neck injury..I was sent home with a traction machine which I used for three weeks and also saw a chiropactor for several years. Things we fine for wuite awhile until about 2 years ago when my neck pain increased. I finaally had an MRI this week and discovered I have reversal lordosis..with bulging from C4-& with facet hypertrophy and neural narrowing.spondylosis. I have yet to see a neurosurgeon just got the results yesterday. I there any hope that this could help my situation or has this gone too far? Also moderate DJD..Thank you

    1. Hi Terri:
      I understand your problem. C4-C7 carry most of the load since they are the lower cervical segments. Degenerated discs have undergone a degenerative process wherein the hydrostatic pressure has overcome–over time–the general osmotic pressure of the disc itself. (FYI–osmotic pressure pulls H20 into the disc, hydrostatic pressure presses it out) When the disc portion of the spine endures sustained vertical loading pressure (hydrostatic pressure) from an altered curve–such as a kyphosis or reversed curve, the “pressing out” forces are greater than the “pulling in” forces and that steady state will cause the disc to desiccate (dehydrate). It is like placing a sponge in a bathtub which has 1″ of water in the bottom. The sponge will draw water in with a certain force… when you step on it, the “pressing out” force is greater than the “pulling in” force of the sponge and forces the water out. OK.. well and fine…. but what to do about it now….right?? First, very few tractioning therapies in an of themselves will initiate or complete curve restoration.They do help with symptoms right after the trauma however. The findings on your MR scan tell the real story, however… When discs desiccate, they trigger an epigenetic reaction in the endplate of the vertebral bodies above and below the disk… this leads to bone spurring which can become part of the neural narrowing. There is usually some radiating pain, or numbness and tingling down the arm and perhaps into the hand. Why do some elements wear out faster? Answer: there are 7 vertebral bones in the neck— and those 7 bones have 56 important joint surfaces on them which participate in neck motion and supporting the head “UP-RIGHT”. Simply– if the head is “UP-WRONG”, the supportive structures are at significantly greater risk to degenerate and wear out. Unfortunately, surgery does not fix the degeneration. It removes one problem today–and creates several new problems for tomorrow.. The first step that I would advise it to call the clinic and schedule a consultation, bringing your studies with you and we can see if you are a candidate for the procedure. The key is: getting the head and neck relationship back in their proper orientation so the body can begin to epigenetically heal the degenerative tissue in the neck. It is not a quick fix.. but it is a very viable long-term solution that is not merely palliative.

  14. I’m not sure if you can help me but it’s worth a shot. I live in France and in November I was in a car accident in which the car barreled into my (passenger) door. I was prescribed physical therapy which alleviated things a little but now, 11 months later, it is still painful and not getting better. I was finally given the authority to have an x-ray and my neck is as you described above. I’m 53 years old , fit, and not even close to being ready to move like an old person. Do you know of any chiropractors in the south of France (I live in Aix en Provence) that are knowledgable about this technique and would be able to help me? I also have lower back pain now and the x-ray showed scoliosis which I never had before. Could this be related?

    1. Delana-

      Well, it turns out.. the south of France is the only part of the world to which we do house calls:) I wish it were true.

      First, given the nature of your accident, I’m presuming that your pain is predominately in your neck? Perhaps occasional or frequent head or face pain? With side impact trauma, there can be a lateral type whiplash.. This can lead to direct nerve root injury from the disc or the bony parts of the nerve opening (IVF) and ultimately scoliosis. I know I’ve discussed this here before, but the unique shape of the atlas joint makes it one of the most susceptible to traumatic injury. The alar ligaments along with the apical ligament are a few of the ligaments that help maintain normal position of the atlas/cranial joint. They are super important because they preserve the safe status of the upper spinal cord and the alignment of the central canal through which the spinal fluid flows. (When this backs up–the pressure in the head can increases to the point where the fluid blasts against the brain like a firehouse–I’ve seen the live images with my own eyes thanks to special imaging designed by a colleague) Re-aligning this joint can normalize flow of cerebro-spinal fluid–further, it can trigger a “decompensation” wave in the entire spine, pelvis and lower limbs. Arguably, it is the compensation of the spine due to the subluxation of the atlas-occipital joint, that cause the abnormal curvatures and the pain. When the normal lordotic curvature of the spine is lost through trauma, it is imperative that the Atlas joint complex be optimally realigned and corrected, thus allowing the spine below to de-stress and the normal curvatures to return. Candidly, the precise mechanisms that allow the normalization of the spinal mechanics following an atlas orthogonal correction are not completely understood. What is known, however, is how often we are able to restore the curvature (beyond 80%), and reduce the pain that comes from a compensated spine and a malpositioned atlas.

      I see international patients in my regional clinic in Provo, Utah, USA. If you would like to schedule a phone consultation, or perhaps send me some images to review, please set that up through my business office. 801.655.1801

      Kind Regards,

      Dr. Chris Chapman, DC, BCAO
      Director of Clinics
      The Chapman Clinic for Spinal Epigenetics

  15. What do you think of my MRI results? I’ve been in moderate to severe neck pain for quite some time (6 months severe, moderate for a couple years) It’s probably a combination of hereditary and posture at a dual-monitor computer for 10 hours a day for the past 15 years. I didn’t want to take up too much space on the blog so here’s the highlights:

    FINDINGS: There is mild reversal of the normal cervical lordosis. The vertebral body heights are maintained. There is no signal abnormality within the cervical spinal cord. The paraspinal soft tissues are unremarkable. The patient has slightly shorter pedicles then average which does diffusely narrow AP diameter of the canal.

    C2• C3: There is no significant disc displacement, central canal stenosis, or neural foraminal narrowing. There is prominent asymmetric right-sided uncovertebral joint hypertrophy (see sagittal image 5).
    C3-C4: There is no significant disc displacement, central canal stenosis, or left neural foraminal narrowing. There is asymmetric right-sided uncovertebral joint hypertrophy which combines with disc material to mildly attenuate the proximal neural foramen. There is minimal left uncovertebral joint hypertrophy.
    C4-C5: There is no significant disc displacement, central canal stenosis, or left neural foraminal narrowing, There is mild right uncovertebral joint hypertrophy which mildly attenuates the right neural foramen.
    C5-C6: There is mild loss of disc space height. There is a broad-based posterior disc bulge which is eccentric to the left minimally indenting the left ventral cord. There is also a left foraminal disc herniation with mild to moderate left foraminal narrowing. Disc osteophyte formation mild to moderately attenuates the right neural foramen.
    C6-C7: There is a moderate to large left posterior paracentral disc extrusion with severe impingement on the left anterior lateral recess (see sagittal image 8 and axial image 19). Disc osteophyte formation moderate to severely attenuates the left neural foramen. There is moderate right foraminal attenuation with a suspected tiny right foraminal disc extrusion.
    C7•T1: There is no significant disc displacement or central canal stenosis. There is bilateral uncovertebral joint hypertrophy. The foramina are not well evaluated.

    IMPRESSION: Loss of mild reversal of the normal cervical lordosis
    At C6/C7 there is a moderate to large left posterior paracentral disc extrusion with significant impingement on left anterolateral recess. Moderate to severe foraminal attenuation is also noted.
    At C5/C6 there is a small left foraminal disc extrusion/herniation and bilateral mild to moderate foraminal attenuation
    At C2/C3 and C3/C4 there is asymmetric right-sided uncovertebral joint hypertrophy

    1. The mild reversal is significant in my experience, especially in the context of the short pedicles. Remember, the neural canal is an important functional space. The first paragraph of your report is suggestive of general cord compression. The cord is somewhat tractioned in a kyphotic position–it’s not made to contour that way. Much the way your hand naturally rested in the flexed, rather than extended position. When your hand is at rest, the fingers flex.. WHen you straighten your hand out–the palmar surface becomes more tense. Comparatively, so is the cervical cord when it reverses. As I suggest, this finding is so common it almost seems normal. My experience is: if you restore the curve by correcting the craniovertebral joint, and you open airway and begin to decompensate the spine, the spine will begin to heal. Symptoms usually recede rather quickly. Curious, do you slouch? Do you rest forward on your hand or does your chin incline forward towards you work computers when you are pulling a long hauler?

  16. Thank you a bunch for sharing this with all of us you really know what you’re speaking about! Bookmarked. Kindly additionally seek advice from my site =). We may have a hyperlink exchange agreement between us

  17. Ive been suffering with this for 9 years now I am 27 and as of today have started treatment. I’m ready to start living life my new life without migraines back and neck pain add muscle spasms arthritis knee and hip disscomfort double vision and severe memory loss arm pain and numbness carple tunnel, affecting my carrier as a cosmotologist. This is an emotional moment for me ! Ive put up a good fight and being told I can be fixed is by far the greatest news ever.

    1. Thanks doctor, your response is very reassuring as to the problem. I do slouch, it’s difficult not to when you’re at at screens for 10+ hours a day. It is difficult to swallow with my chin tucked in, my wife says no problem for her. Vicodin is obviously a temporary solution. I am hesitant to have surgery. What is your recommendation? I absolutely and totally appreciate your response to this.

      1. Yes, Vicodin is blocking the message that your body was designed to send to your mind (not brain) when something is wrong…. Those messages were designed (evolved) to inform “you” that something is wrong… right??! THere is a procedure that I perform that corrects the underlying problem non-surgically. (Surgery is a more invasive form of Vicodin in the sense that it does not resolve or fix the underlying problem…but merely alters your body’s natural alerting response– the response of pain and discomfort, which is supposed to let you know something is not right.. I suggest that you call my office and speak with Joyce–she will dialogue with you regarding our procedure, and counsel as to how you can find relief… and the logistics of getting the procedure done and following up on it—-she is great and will answer your questions. We offer natural and scientific solutions. I see many patients every day with similar problems. I understand the underlying cause and know how to fix most of them… (in all humility) Just today alone, I have helped patients with complex problems that have been ongoing and pharma-managed up to this point… some folds have been searching and relying on the masking of their symptoms rather than resolving them for a long time…. in some cases, this has gone on for up to 12 years…. and this is just today.. call us. Dr. Chapman (801-655-1801

  18. I am a 23 year old girl and have been suffering from sever back pain since I was 12. We’ve (my mother and I) been trying to figure this out for 11 years now. I have jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, shooting pains down my arms and legs that radiate in the joints, knee pain, hip pain…….basically you name it I feel it. My new pain management doctor noticed on an MRI from 2004 that my cervical spine appeared to have a reversed curve. He ordered a new MRI which confirmed that I do have a reversed cervical lordosis. At the moment I’m taking lyrica for pain (so far no results) and am having a cervical spine epidural next week to help relieve my pain. I’m very interested in these treatments you offer, but when I google NUCCA corrections, chiropractic options come up that say one would need more treatments than you had mentioned. I was wondering if you knew of any offices in California (Los Angeles specifically) that offer the same treatments as your office. I look forward to your response.

    1. Hi Amanda–
      Did you obtain your most recent MRI? You may send it up to me and I can take a look at it. Also, if you have CT scans–such as a cone-beam CT, that would be very helpful as well.
      The procedure I do is an instrument guided trans-dermal positioning of the atlas. Having practiced NUCCA for many years, I developed an affinity for realigning the cranio-vertebral junction (CVJ). Instrument guided trans-dermal atlas positioning, in my humble opinion, is the future of conservative CVJ management. Having said that, I do have many patients from LA who travel up to see me. Your problem may be more complex than the average upper cervical subluxation. You may, from your symptoms, have the co-morbidity of malocclusion as well. This can complicate the corrective process of the CVJ and vice-verse, meaning: the atlas subluxation can complicate the correction of the TMJ dysfunction and the bite posture. So.. your underlying conditions get into this vicious cycle where no one intervention seems to offer results.
      In those, and other instances, it’s helpful if we do a telephone consult. You can call our main office and set that up. Our main number is 801.655.1801
      I look forward to speaking and helping you make some sense of your health issues and hopefully having some answers for you.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  19. I have a very severe case of reversed cervical lordosis. The chiropractor that I am currently seeing said that it’s the worst case he has seen in 30 years of practice. I was in a minor car accident in 2003. The xrays show ligament damage to my C5 and C6 vertebrae. I feel absolutely terrible everyday and I would do anything to feel normal again. I’m only 29 and haven’t felt good since 2003. My symptoms are severe fatigue, balance issues, lightheadedness, severe cranial pressure, Shortness of breath, neck spasms, and severe shoulder and back pain. My chiropractor mentioned something about my vertebral artery being twisted which can’t be good and makes me pretty nervous!! Do you have any recommendations?

    1. Hi Amber,

      Over the years I’ve practiced and specialized in the craniovertebral junction (CVJ), I have heard many versions of your very personal story. I’ve grown to accept it as a common story, but not a normal one.

      Let me speak to the issues that you raise in your comment, and thank you for sharing on my blog–I so appreciate it.

      The vertebral artery laces up through the cervical spinal segments starting at C6. It ascends through the cervical segments sharing space with the upper six cervical nerves as they exit the spine. Then, right before it gets to atlas vertebra, it veers/bends outward, then upwards, then rearwards, then medialwards then upwards again wherein it joins the basilar artery in front of the brainstem, midline. There, it becomes a major blood supply to 22 out of the 24 cranial nerves. Some bends are normal–others are not. Abnormal and harmful bends and stretches occur “when and if” the Axis (C2) and the Atlas (C1) are rotated and displaced. In this case, there can be some restrictions or interferences with normal hemodynamics (blood flow patterns) and this in an of itself can cause symptoms. I would shy away from cervical manipulations that were rotatory or forceful in nature–especially in the upper neck.

      Loss of cervical curve compounds all negative influenes in the upper spinal cord, brainstem and cerebellum. In some cases, a small aspect of the cerebellar tonsil(s) dips down into the neural canal and can interfere with optimal or normal cerebrospinal fluid. This is not classical chiari syndrome–instead, it’s called cerebellar tonsillar ectopia. It is a foreman magnum stenosis. A reversed spine increases the tractional forces on the spinal cord and accentuates this condition. Medical radiologists frequently do not mention cerebellar tonsilar ectopia in their radiology reads, however… even when it as “plain as day”. For instance, just today, I saw two cases wherein the condition existed, and the radiology “reads” of the patient’s MRI were seemingly oblivious or silent to the condition. (I’m going to post them in this response or later in the blog—-then you can see what I’m looking at.) Mind you, these are MR studies taken with the patient lying in the supine position (on their back). This position has a tendency to lessen the decent of the cerebellum into the foramen magnum. While Upright MR imaging (gravity pulls the cerebellum down) seems to accentuate the ectopic condition. In most cases, the symptoms are usually worse in patients when they are upright or exerting. So, my question to you is: do you have an MRI that shows the craniovertebral junction?

      As for treating this condition.. we have had had reasonable success in doing so. I would recommend a trip to Utah, be prepared to spend Monday – Friday at our clinic, and begin the curve restoration and the transdermal atlas positioning process. We will work out a treatment protocol and get the process underway. We will find a “local specialist” (as close as we can get) who can conduct follow-up procedures based on our workup and initial procedures. The initial imaging, procedures, diagnostics and plan are the most important. We’ve had great success following this protocol. Occasionally a traveling patient has had to return after accidents or incorrect procedures.
      If you call Joyce, she can help you get an idea of what to expect.

      Kind Regards

  20. Dr. Chapman, Im 26 years old and suffer from several issues that seem all related to my neck. My chiropractor has told me my neck is starting to curve the opposite direction and that id have to go through 3 years of physical theropy to get it corrected. I have lots of pain in my shoulders, quite a bit of loss of function in my right shoulder also a tear in my right rotator cuff. Also my right hip is lower than my left hip. Im now having to wear a lift in my right shoe to even it out but my left hip is in so much pain. I cant even sit on thr floor anymore. Im so lost and feel like no one cares. @ 26 I dont want to feel this way. The several doctors iv seen dont see any relation from my neck problem to my hips problems. After reading this post it seems they are related! I live in Tn, are there any doctors who use the same kind of treatment you do?. What should I do? Im so tired of being in pain.

    1. OK– I recognize that slippery slope all to well….

      First, if it’s going to take three years to bring your curve back… I’d be looking for a second opinion. Do you have a radiograph that you could show me? Did you read my blog, “trouble with the curve–solved?”
      As for wearing a lift—if you still have an atlas subluxation—it will just throw your body into a more complex compensation pattern. Also, it is quite possible that you really don’t have a leg length disparity (a significant difference in leg lengths) Your neck is DEFINITELY related to your hips–there is a lot of literature to support that… and, well, there is that basic anatomy thing.. (see inserted image) your paraspinals are anchored to your hip.
      Muscles of the Head, Neck and Pelvis

      You have your whole life ahead of you–and it does not have to be full of pain. There is a solution to your complex set of physical problems. Is it feasible to travel to Utah?

  21. Dear sir myself Gaurav here from poona india.I am 29 yrs old.
    Dear sir I am suffering from neck pain from last ten years because of loss of cervical lordosis.
    Met many doctors but still the pain and xray reports are same as ten years back.
    Got tired of this problem and want to get rid of this forever.can u pls help me in this case.
    Pls help me…

    1. Dear Gaurav:

      Are you in the US? There is hope. My furthest patient has traveled from Nigeria, Africa. He was able to avoid back surgery and years of suffering as a result. Please let me know if you have specific questions… I’d be happy to converse with you more.

  22. Its like you read my mind! You seem to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it
    or something. I think that you can do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but
    instead of that, this is magnificent blog.
    A fantastic read. I’ll certainly be back.

  23. My 29year old daughter was involved in a mild car accident 18months ago. She started to have neck pain a couple of days later. Within two weeks she was in severe pain causing fainting and vomiting which were treated with painkillers and muscle relaxents. She has been having treatmet with an oesteopath and an acupuncturist ever since with little improvement. The worst problem is the feeling of never being able to take a deep breath and the constant feeling of breathlessness. She is becoming increasingly depressed and the medical profession seem to hve little concern and have offered no advice. Please can you tell us who to approach for help.

    1. Hi Helen:
      Ok, this sounds like her present therapists are not able to correct the cranial base where it contacts the neck. This leads to vomits and nausea and affects the breathing centers. go to http://www.myshortleg.com and enter as a guest, and you can see more details about how injury to the upper cervical area is corrected. It may be worthwhile traveling to Utah for an examination and consultation.
      Kindest Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  24. Good Morning Dr Chapman,
    I would love to begin some dialogue on this (my) condition.
    I am 55 yrs old now but at approx 16 I tried to do a backflip & bailed out, thus falling straight down onto my neck, full body weight. It took a couple of minutes to breath afterward. I never mentioned it, just went home and continued on. At 20-something I dove into shallow end of a pool and hit the bottom, head first. I saw stars that day. I have been seeing chiros for 35 yrs, prob for the rest of my life. I live with a straight to reverse cervical curve and have been dealing with headaches for 20-30 years now. Depression is a nasty side effect, not to mention 100 others (arthritis, spondylosis, TMJ, loss of balance, etc).
    In the past, I have been given traction unit (I overstressed its use badly), have had MUA (this helped), been to neurologists (Ha), and finally pain mgmt specialists. I have yet to find any drug that bandaids the painful headache and nothing for correction, only maintenance for instability.
    I would love to find out if there is someone in Chico, CA (Butte County, CA) who practices these modalities.
    My static & digital motion xrays are now fairly old. I continue the struggle for good health.
    Thank you for posting your practice findings. It is a glimmer of hope not previosly found.
    Namaste, Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa,

      I’m sorry to hear your story. Headaches are difficult. There is a connection between the cranio-vertebral junction (where the head meets the neck) and depression, balance, TMD and cervical kyphosis. Your x-rays may be helpful–you may send them to our office. Call Joyce, and set it up. Are you able to attend a consultation and examination in Utah?
      Dr. Chapman

  25. I am 27 and i have been in approximately 8 vehicle accidents ranging in intensity. I have been to chiropractors, physical therapists, i have stayed away from pain specialists and surgeons as i believe i should be able to heal. I have a reverse of my neck and scoliosis in my lower back. I get severe migrains and neck pain, i believe it is why i am never able to experience a good night of sleep. Please help! I live in Mesa, AZ and I’m in chronic pain!

    1. Hi Damaris,

      I am sorry to hear about your multiple accidents, for sure! Kudos for staying away from the surgical knife. You are right–your body has the innate ability to heal–if it hasn’t, it’s not because you’ve lost your ability to heal–it’s that you have a an impedance to healing. When I say impedance, I mean a blockage or interference. That blockage is usually a displaced atlas. IF you can travel to Utah to have the procedure done, I’m sure you will be helped. I will find you a doctor to assist you in the follow up care in Arizona. Kind Regards, Dr. Chapman

  26. I just went to the neck and spine dr Tuesday with burning, stabbing pains, and numbness in my neck and pain in my lower back pain and numbness in my small toes on my left foot. He ttok xrays and said they show degeneration in my spine and my neck bone is curved the opposite way than it should be. He said it was just pulled muscles. Gave me 2 shots, one anti inflammatory and one steriod and a prescription for oral anti inflammatories. The pain in my neck is so intense. I have been using my tens unit to try to ease the pain, but even that isn’t working. He refuses to give me pain medication. What do I need to do? I can stick a needle in my neck and BARELY feel it. And I am not talking about a straight pin either.. HELP!!!

    1. Hi Melanie: Sorry to hear about your problem… This is the type of problem that I deal with on a regular basis… I’ve heard all sorts of stories. Can you give me an idea of when the pain came on? How long has the neck been in the reversed position? Usually, it can be more than spasmed muscles.. and, if it is indeed spasmed muscles, those muscles are on the anterior (front) of the neck… difficult to get to with tensing, injections, etc.. I have found that if I properly position the base of the skull on the top bone of the neck, the lower structures began to decompress and heal. Are you able travel to the Sundance, Utah area for an examination and consultation?
      Dr. Chapman

    2. You are not alone. Doctors are not chiropractors and if they cannot see something etc they state it is something that sounds like it is out of there but or that you are crazy. Plus they refuse to do anything further like testing or imaging and half the time they do not even look at the images just the reports. Go to a chiropractor or a good spine doctor with good reviews one that a chiropractor works with or a neurologist. Personally start with a chiropractor they seem to know more about the body and how to best fix it. They also work with other specialists to, so get a referral from them instead of going at it on your own, because people will not take you seriously if you self refer yourself. Chiropractors are great though.

  27. Dear Dr. Chris Chapman, I was a passenger in a head on collision in 2006; had seat belt on, we were traveling at 35 mph. I don’t know the speed of the other vehicle. Nonetheless, I have struggled with reverse lordosis and a few other aging and inherited spine conditions aggravated and created by the accident. I was an active woman working as an electrician, taught aerobics, bicyclist, walked all the time, swimmer and many other activities. My life has changed completely. I am now disabled due to multiple disorders. Please send me with a little hope as I’ve been told by neuro’s, chiro’s, orthopedic, primary and internist that down the road I will have to have surgery. I have comleted physical therapy for multiple problems. There is 1.5 mm movement in C2-3, 2.5 mm in C4-5, and 3.5 mm in C3-4. I have buldging disk, stenosis, scoliosis, ostheo and more. It has been determined that some of the numbness in my hands is due to my spine. My right leg seems shorter or my hips are off center. I also have fibromyalgia and suffer with much pain. I never stop trying and also know that my thoughts will stay positive no matter what the case. I love and respect my renowned chiropractor. I would not speak ill of them. I am looking forward to your thoughts and any help you can give me.

  28. I forgot to mention, as I’m sure you already know, the angle of my altas is frightening to me. I have read the comments of others and have seen the pictures. I can almost say my spine looks just like that. I stay dizzy and have fallen down when my legs seem to go out underneath me. Also, I developed PSVT after the accident. When I sneeze or cough I feel shooting electric shock sensations down my arms and across my chest. The pain is so bad at times that I just lay in bed and become apathetic and all I can do is cry. I live in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Can you tell me who can perform this procedure my area?

  29. Hi,
    How effective are these treatments vs. using a cervical pump? My chiropractor recently diagnosed me with a reverse curve, scoliosis, osteoarthritis, three schnorl’s nodes, and …facet something that I can’t remember the name of. I’ve been in pain for eight months with what started as a muscle spasm in my upper back (t4-t5 area) and has now become many spasms that come and go (they’re never All gone), and to top it off I now have a rib (left side, first floating rib) that likes to float up and hook itself under the one above it. My chiropractor has done wonders for me, and the pain is getting better, but I can’t stand the cervical pump. It makes my neck crack all day every day when my joints were hypermobile to begin with (part of why I went to the doctor’s when this all started is that the cracking is Very alarming if you’ve never heard it before), and I’m still seeing her weekly. Reading that this patient saw such great results in only 5 treatments is really impressive. After PT, deep tissue massage, muscle stim, and a bunch of other things, I’m really looking for a cure to all of it. I’m 34, and as far as I’m concerned, too young for all this. I’d love to hear what you think.

    1. Hi Leslie:
      Is your chiropractor using the cervical pump to help restore the cervical curve? If so, it might be like sweeping the leaves out of your garage in a fall windstorm… sort of a circular process… that really never attains the desired goal. If the atlas joint is properly placed, the cervical spine with assume a more natural curvature in the sagittal plane (side view) Further, there is a direct, descending relationship between the cervical spine and the thoracic spine below. The floating ribs are anchored to the lowest two thoracic vertebra, and really don’t float, per se’. The atlas joint complex is a leader in the system–if it’s in its’ proper position, the other segments, including hips, shoulder joints, knees, etc.. tend to fall into a better place.. and usually don’t require manipulation. Think of a domino chain reaction. You can keep “up-righting” the downstream dominoes all the livelong day, but until you correct the first and principal domino, you really won’t truly interrupt the cascade of symptoms with any long-term correction.
      Get the head on straight, the rest usually follows. Where are you located?

      1. Thanks for replying. In southeastern MA. Yes, she’s having me use it to restore cervical curve, but is also manually adjusting. I’m no longer having the rib trouble from a couple months ago, and was able to identify the source of the muscle tension as high thyroid levels (I’m congenital hypothyroid, and my former doctor wasn’t treating it correctly) that led to adrenal dysfunction, which is being treated by a new doctor and now my back is almost entirely better. My neck is still a mess though as it seems to get better, slowly, heading upwards, but I still have what seem like weight-lifter muscles in my neck. The tension isn’t even on both sides of my body, and pulls my spine out of alignment, so when we’ve tried to space out my treatments to a month I end up in pain by the end of three weeks. The reverse curve was probably going to surface as a problem eventually, but the rest of my medical drama exacerbated it and it was only identified because I had never seen a chiropractor before this or had my spine x-rayed. I’ll ask her what she thinks about the atlas when I’m in her office next week. I’m not a huge fan of the pump; it makes the cracking worse and I feel like the adjustments help a lot more, but maybe there’s something I don’t know?

      2. So, the latest and greatest: before even going back to chiro I went to have the adrenal bloodwork checked and in talking about the neck issue was sent for an MRI. Three herniated discs were confirmed. Two are in my neck at c5-6 and c6-7. The other is L1. One simple exercise they gave me has made all the difference in the world, but I’ve been told that high-velocity adjustments could be very dangerous right now. The doctor said the atlas adjustment is ok though as it doesn’t put the spinal cord under pressure? I’m not quite sure what it all means, but how do you find a doctor that does these? I’m very interested in getting well! Enough is enough already. :-/

    2. Hi Leslie:
      Is your chiropractor using the cervical pump to help restore the cervical curve? If so, it might be like sweeping the leaves out of your garage in a fall windstorm… sort of a circular process… that really never attains the desired goal. If the atlas joint is properly placed, the cervical spine with assume a more natural curvature in the sagittal plane (side view) Further, there is a direct, descending relationship between the cervical spine and the thoracic spine below. The floating ribs are anchored to the lowest two thoracic vertebra, and really don’t float, per se’. The atlas joint complex is a leader in the system–if it’s in its’ proper position, the other segments, including hips, shoulder joints, knees, etc.. tend to fall into a better place.. and usually don’t require manipulation. Think of a domino chain reaction. You can keep “up-righting” the downstream dominoes all the livelong day, but until you correct the first and principal domino, you really won’t truly interrupt the cascade of symptoms with any long-term correction.
      Get the head on straight, the rest usually follows. Where are you located?

  30. Hello. I am hoping you can give me some advice on what I can do to help myself find relief. I have a very complicated story and have been struggling for years with a variety of symptoms. It was determined about 5 years ago that I have a Chiari Malformation and a reverse curve in my neck. After extensive testing, physical therapy, medcations, and multiple drs and chiropractors…I had brain decompression surgery done on April 6, 2012. I thought that the surgery (as scary and invasive as it was) would help me significantly and that I would no longer suffer. I WAS WRONG. It has been a VERY long year. I am a 2nd grade teacher and was able to work part time in the fall, but had to return to the classroom full time in January. Since then, I’ve had a really hard time. I also have a 4 and 2 year old at home, so needless to say it’s extremely hard to be so sick every day. For the past few months, it seems like my neck is really showing me that there is a significant problem.I believe my brain malformation is the cause of my curve being reversed. Because I have tried physical therapy and chiros, I have several things that I try here at home. I have a posture-pump that I use from time to time to help restore my curve, I wear a hard and soft collar whenever there are major flare-ups, I try heat/cold packs, and the list goes on. The muscles on both sides of my neck that go from my ears to my collar bone are always tight/tense and I have a really hard time getting them to relax completely. Obviously, I’ve developed anxiety over all of this and I am desperate to find something that will help me. I am trying everything I can to prevent have a cervical fusion surgery done (some drs have recommended that). I’ve already had to go through brain surgery at age 32, I’m not really wanting to go through another major surgery just 1 year later. Please let me know more details of the NUCCA or AO techniques. I know you’re out of Utah. I live in St. Louis, but would love to know more information on your experience with people like me. Have you ever worked with anyone who has Chiari?

    1. Hi ALyssa:

      I have had quite a bit of experience helping patient’s with chiari, as well as with low lying cerebellar tonsils. The anxiety can even be related to the pressure on the lower portion of the brain stem and spinal cord. There is a chicken or the egg relationship between the chiari and the reversed cervical curve. Usually, the loss of cervical curve tends to exacerbate the chiari symptoms because it “tractions” the cord down. I have had people come in for the initial procedure and then continue with followups in there area with good results. I would be happy to spend some time on the telephone with you to help you sort through what your options are. There is hope—even after the decompression surgery.
      You can reach us at 801.655.1801
      Best Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

    2. Hi ALyssa:

      I have had quite a bit of experience helping patient’s with chiari, as well as with low lying cerebellar tonsils. The anxiety can even be related to the pressure on the lower portion of the brain stem and spinal cord. There is a chicken or the egg relationship between the chiari and the reversed cervical curve. Usually, the loss of cervical curve tends to exacerbate the chiari symptoms because it “tractions” the cord down. I have had people come in for the initial procedure and then continue with followups in there area with good results. I would be happy to spend some time on the telephone with you to help you sort through what your options are. There is hope—even after the decompression surgery.
      You can reach us at 801.655.1801
      Best Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  31. Hi, I’m seeking AO treatment for my neck problems similar to that discussed here. I’m near Cape Town in South Africa and, although I’ve been to a few chiropractors here, I haven’t been able to find one that practices AO or NUCCA procedures. Do you perhaps know of any in South Africa?

    1. Hello:

      Your predicament is a common one in my correspondences with patients from around the globe–we simply don’t have enough qualified AO doctors who can help folks like yourself. You wil probably have to see one of my colleagues: E-mail: joe@ierano.com Web Site: http://www.ierano.com He has taken my courses, and is board certified in the AO procedure. (He is on the other side of the pond) I hope this helps.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  32. Hi when I was 20 I was hit head on by a driver who failed to yield for oncoming traffic(me) resulting in a total loss of my car. I felt normal but about 2 hours later I felt extremely dizzy and felt like I was going to faint. I went to the ER and came out 5 hours later with a prescription for hydrocodone & a sponge neck brace. I then hired an attorney and have received chiropractic therapy, epidurals, hako med treatment, and physical therapy to which none have helped. I am almost 22 and still suffer from severe neck pain and lower back pain. As told by my MD I have only 2 choices; try another epidural or undergo surgery. I’m too young for surgery and the past epidurals have temporarily relieved pain, but does not correct my reversed curve. I feel hopeless and am scared that my health can jeopardize my career. Please help I know those are not the only 2 options.

    1. Hi Jannely:
      I am sorry to hear about your battle with recovery. It can be won with the right diagnosis and tools. You are right, drugs or surgery are not the only two options–they are all to common, unfortunately. I would invite you to call the office and speak with Joyce. She can schedule a brief conference with me, which I will do gratis, and perhaps I can help you discern your next steps.. don’t give up.

      Dr. Chapman

  33. Hello Dr. Chris, my name is Amanda Francis. I am interested in your procedure and am wondering if there are other doctor’s in my sate that do this as well. I live in Washington state. I was rear ended January 2012. Recent x-rays show no change in my neck curve since the first x-rays taken right after my accident despite going to chiropractic care, massage, physical therapy etc. I suffer from chronic migraines (almost daily) and super tight neck muscles. I believe I would be a good candidate for your procedure and would like to learn more. Thank you for your time, Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda:

      I have a colleague and friend in Seattle. Please call the office and speak with Joyce, and we can give you his contact information. Kind Regards, Dr. Chapman

  34. Hello Dr! I have just found out about my very reversed neck, and I am devastated! I actually have no pain, but a ‘clunky hip’ that I have dealt with for years. I am a very healthy 30 yr old female, but I also live in Australia. Could you recommend anyone, or a particular treatment for me? The chiro I have started to see thinks about 7 years of treatment is what it will take for my spine and neck to be as good as I can get. Thank you so much!

  35. Hi Dr Chris

    I live in Melbourne, Australia so I understand geographics are an issue, although advice would be appreciated. In 2010 I underwent aL5/S1 disecotmy/laminectomy for a bulging disc which was sending radiating pain down my right leg. And then 5 months later had a spinal fusion done due to the first surgery not working – I am still far from pain free even after the surgery. The scans from my lower spine indicated mild to moderate disc bulge although the surgeon stated that it was much worse than he expected when he got in there. Since April of this year I have had neck, shoulder, arm and finger pain/sensory changes and weakness, which is now under investigation. I dont want anymore surgery and have run out of options here trying to find someone who will take on board my constant struggle with pain and how best to resolve the issues rather than keep “drugging” me up, and even consider that there may be a relationship between it all.

    I have just undergone a series of CT/Bone scans. The results of the CT scans are as follows:

    Lateral spine x-ray

    Very slight reversal of normal cervical lordosis centred at C5 level.
    Otherwise normal alignment. No fracture. No prevertebral soft tissue

    No cervical rib.

    Disc degenerative change at at C5-6 with mild disc height narrowing and a
    corticated osseous fragment at the anterior aspect of the disc level.
    No bony foraminal stenosis identified on oblique views.

    Flexion-extension lateral projections demonstrate no cervical instability.

    CT lumbar spine

    L5/S1 anterior fusion with plate, screws and disc prosthesis. Established
    bony ankylosis bridges the fused level. The position of instrumentation is
    satisfactory, with no evidence of hardware failure. Minimal posterior bulge
    of this disc level without canal, subarticular recess or foraminal stenosis.
    Mild L5/S1 facet degenerative change.

    Other levels demonstrate no focal disc protrusion. No CT evidence of canal
    or foraminal stenosis.

    I have lived my life since 2010 on high doses of Lyrica, endone, oxycontin, oxynorm, tramal, and now have been given Targin to manage the pain.

    Could all this be related and should I be asking my specialists, doctors and pain management practitioners for anything specific if this is related?


    1. Hello Soozie,

      I have a colleague in Australia who has taken a course from me. I would recommend that you see Dr. Ierano, he lives and practices in Sydney. Please contact him, and I’m sure he could help you. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch with me.
      Best Wishes.

  36. I have had serve neck problems for years now, it just recently got out of control. My neck is always stiff/feels too heavy for my head, and has lots of spams. The symptoms I have (that I can think of at the moment): severe pain, balance problems, dizziness, vision problems including random eye problems from tearing to dizzy feeling in eyes, constant spasms in my neck that makes me neck feel like it’s strained and the neck muscles are “moving” which causes dizziness, Foggy dream-like feeling — the foggy head can’t think straight feeling, breathing problems, sinus problems, stiff neck — so stiff it feels like circulation is being cut off to my head. When I lay down it feels like my body is twisted and it NEVER feels like my neck is ever, ever, straight. I have many more symptoms I just can’t think of them right now.

    My xrays show my neck has ZERO curve. (It actually has less of a curve than even the picture you showed of your patient who the doctors told her nothing could be done) It also shows my neck is titled to one side. The EMG scans showed it was “beyond severe” in the C1 area.

    Would you be interested in perhaps viewing my Xrays if I emailed them to you, and telling me what you think? I’ve been to every type of doctor (including chiropractor) with still all the same problems I listed above. Only medication my doctor gave me has helped at all, and it only helps for the pain. The spasms/stiff neck/etc problems still remain.

    1. JOsh:

      I understand what you’re going through.. I have posted some replies to other inquiries that may help you. Moreover, the area that ties all of your symptoms together is the upper spinal cord at the base of your skull. Please go to me informational webiste: http://www.myshortleg.com There are a few illustrations that may proved useful to you. This area is can be corrected and restored to normal. If you have questions after reading this site, please go ahead and post here and I’ll try to answer the best I can.

  37. Hi Dr Chapman I am writing to you about my daughter Camren. She was in a car axident in her senior year of college a lady rain a stop sign and my daughter hit her van and flipped it. to make a long story short she now has a reverse neck this happen about 7 years ago and now she has been in so much pain and it makes her throw up when the pain gets to bad she has seen several specialist over the years and been to several carapractors but still no help. I have xrays of her neck and thought about sending them to you to see if you could help her. she lives in aiken south Carolina where she moved right out of college. she is a engineer and when she took the job they new of her problems with her neck because she was still in treatment at the time. she has been through so much in her life also she was diinoised with cancer in college which she has been cancer free 6 years now. I hurt for her because I see her cry with pain throw up with pain she is on neroutin to contro the burning in her neck and she uses ice pack please sir if you could help her You would be my God send. sorry for all the missed spelled words I am not good at spelling or the computer just learning how to do do it. thank you so much for your time and I will be looking forward to hearing back from you. Also I was wanting to see if you have people from other states see you and what insurance you except.

    1. Hello:

      I empathize with you over your concern for your daughter. My sense is that she can probably be helped. Trauma from car accidents can be a real long-life story changer if they are not appropriately fixed. It sounds like the condition that is causing the reversed cervical curvature is worsening her entire symptom picture. I’ll tell you what… you send me her x-rays and any other images that you have, I will take a look at them and see if it something that I or a colleague could remedy.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

    2. Thank you so much for your reply. Could you please tell me where and how to send the x-Ray. I forgot to mention in my email that she suffers from jaw pain headaches neck pain burning in her neck and the pain is so bad at times it makes her sick at her stomach and she throws up. The doctor has her on neuron tin for the burning and to help control the pain. I will be sending her x-Ray as soon as I know where and how to send them thank you again for all your help. Pat Harper.

      1. I will be sending you the x-Ray and MRI this week please let me know if you feel you can help her. Thank you for all your help Pat Harper.

  38. Hi! My name is Kristin Johnson and I was wondering if you know of anyone in the Lansing, Grand Rapids or Metro Detroit area that do the procedure you’re writing about? I was diagnosed with a reverse curvature a few years ago and deal with pain in the neck, shoulders, and jaw as well as tension headaches periodically and some dizziness. It’s so frustrating! I’m too young to feel this way. Can you point me in the right direction? Thank you 🙂

    1. Hi Kristin:

      Cervical kyphosis is, as you may have learned from my blog, an outward expression of a deeper problem. There is a doctor in Michigan who has been exposed to my course material… I don’t know how well he does practically with cervical curvature restoration. I usually recommend that the initial procedure be performed here in our Sundance, Utah clinic, then follow up with a regional doctor. Here, I have access to my team and the technology I’ve developed to correct the jaw, cervical spine, shoulders and head. I have tried to manage this from a distance–but it is to difficult. It is a combined therapeutic approach. Head and neck photographs (front, side profile) and x-rays of the head and neck would give me a hint on next steps.

      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  39. Hello! I really need help 😦 i don’t know whats happening to me. Before that, last July 5, 2013 i had a sports injury due to that my cervical spine curvature reversed. I had a mri it revealed that i had a soft tissue contussion trauma. I had physical therapies for 6 sessions. It didn’t help me ;-( until now! Its already october! My neck feels so weird 😦 i feel like its so tight and my throat feels weird too 😦 i feel like its swollen inside. Also i feel like someones choking me 😦 sometimes my right arm and right leg feels weak( i cant describe the feeling) i don’t know where to go. I’m planning to have a check up with an ENT doctor.. Cause my ortho doctor is telling me that im fine 😦 which i know that im not 😦 im so confused right now because i know my body 😦 i dont feel normal 😦 hope you’d get back to me!! Please please 😦 im still 18 yrs old, female!!

    1. Hello,

      Sounds like you had quite an injury–what sport? I have a few questions for you that will help me understand your situation a little better. Did you collide or whiplash–or, both? Do your doctor order flexion-extension radiographs? What part of your soft tissues suffered the contusion? Besides the PT, what else have you tried? Does it interfere with your sleep or your ability to take in a deep breath? When you hold your breath and bear down increasing the pressure in your abdominal cavity (Like being constipated and straining), do you experience pain?
      Dr. Chapman

      1. Hello! Thanks for getting back at me. It means a lot! Because i feel like the doctors here in the Philippines do not undertand me. I was in P.E. class when it happened. I was playing badminton with my classmate and his racket went straight to my mandible jaw from a long distance. It happened so fast that i didnt even know what happened. All i know is that i was holding my neck with my two hands and people were asking me if i was okay. My chin turned black and started to bleed. I was brought in the university Clinic they think i was fine. Days after, my neck started to feel weird and my back(spine) feels hot. It was swollen actually. So i went to an orthopaedic doctor, he ordered to have a cervical x-ray. But it took 2 days for the results lol. But before i got the results, i keep on spitting involuntarily. I had to spit cause i have this uneasy feeling. My saliva’s white actually. Hours later my throat started to hurt and i was having a hard time breathig so i was brought to the Emergency room. They ordered Neck mri.. It only showed i had a soft tissue contussion trauma. I got discharged days later.. I guess the tissue contission is on my neck? I really dont know. Because of the pain i’ll have fever. Then i had to wear neck brace for 4 weeks.. my neck movements were restricted. I cant move it properly. It hurts also! So i requested for a therapy (my doctor didnt recommened anything actually he just prescribes me meds!) i always have vertigo by the way.. But all of the symptoms are gone now. Weeks ago ive been having back pains so they asked me to have a spine xray. They found out that i had dextroscoliosis 12 degrees. They said because of my injury scoliosis was triggered! 😦 all of the symptoms are gone now Except the fact thatmy neck feels so tight and i feel like somethings wrong with my throat. My necks really tender. When i eat sometimes i choke. Should i go to an EnT? Cause i dont wanna go back to my old doctor because he doesnt explain stuff to me!!! He just prescribes anti inflammatory meds 😦 is there somethig wrong with me? Also, my right hand and right legs have this weak tingly feeling. Sometimes my hand is really weak. ( i could just feel this weird feeling)

        Its crazy but sometimes i think im dying 😦 haha

      2. OK. I believe that I understand what is happening to you. The chin/jaw trauma directed the impact force into your upper cervical spine and cranial base, thereby traumatizing the upper spinal cord, likely concussing the spinal medulla oblongata. Do you have your wisdom teeth, if so, they may have deflected the force to your jaw away from the cranial base. If you have had them removed, the concussive forces are more pronounced on the soft tissue of the brain and spinal cord. These injuries may damage the apical and alar ligaments and allow the atlas to displace around the occipital base condyles beyond the normal .75 degrees allowed in normal anatomy. This can create a disturbance in the central nervous system, may alter CSF flow, may alter hemodynamics through the vertebral arteries and cause deranged function of the mechanoreceptors of the upper cervical spine. It can cause all the symptoms that you expressed, as well as a few more you have shared with me. You body is trying to adapt and compensate on it’s own.. It is a difficult state to be in. The good news is: this can be fixed in most cases non-surgically. Are you able to travel to the United States? Perhaps you can obtain digital copies of your x-rays and MRI’s and you can send them to me or dropbox them to me.
        Dr. Chapman

      3. Also, i have this crushing pain in my ribs 😦 it happens occassionaly. I asked my doctor and he said maybe its because of stress.. It doesnt make sense to me at all because it really hurts 😦 sometimes i scream randomly.. But then the pain just goes away. Yeah my shoulders are really hard 😦 because of muscle spasm. Im not sure if im actually answering your questions 😦

  40. Hi doctor, I am 17 this year and I am suffering from the reverse curving of my neck. It is very torturous for me as it affects my appearance and I constant experience neck pains which had caused me much uncomfort. I am from Singapore and I really need your help and advice on how to cure this reverse curve

    1. Hello.

      I am sorry to hear of your suffering. You are so young for such troubles. I do not know of a doctor in Singapore that does this procedure. Are you able to travel to the United States? If you would like, I can arrange to have you speak to our new patient coordinator who can then help you determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. Did you have an accident at some point? How long ago?
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  41. Hi, I just had some x-rays from a chiropractor, and I have no cervical spine curve. This wasn’t caused by trauma, but most likely from posture and stress from manual labor. My chiropractor told me to fix it, he would want to do adjustments and have me doing in office exercises 2-3 times a week, as well as at daily exercises at home, for the next 18 months to correct it. As of now, there isn’t any damage to the discs between my vertebrae in my neck. Does this sound like a reasonable assessment for this type of correction? Even after my insurance, the out of pocket cost for me is more than I can afford, and so I am wondering if there is any alternative I could pursue that wouldn’t be as costly. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Shane:
      In some rare cases, the joints and discs of the neck are naturally formed so that there is not much of a cervical curvature. This is difficult to assess, however. Usually, there is a trauma at some point–may have to go back a decade–but usually there is an injury that causes reversed curvature or a straight neck. It is worth it to your health to do what you need to do to get the curve back to “normal”. Restoring the curve can have a positive influence on your sleep breathing, sleep in general, jaw and teeth health, and a host of other things. Pop over to http://www.myshortleg.com to see how a malpositioned atlas and neck can create other problems in the body. Go into the site as a visitor. Let us know if we can help you more.
      Kind Regards,

  42. I am a 53 year old female who had a cervical fusion at C6-C7 in the year 2000. I see a neurologist and had an MRI in 2006 and one last week. The latest MRI shows reverse lordosis from C2-C6 mild diffuse bulging at C4-C5 and C5-C6 and moderate neural foraminal encroachment bilaterally.
    I suffer from migraines atleast 10 days a month have sleep disorder, depression, pain in fusion, bulging muscles in my neck and tight muscles across my shoulders. I am interested I whether I am a candidate for one of these types of treatment since I already have a cervical fusion. My MRI’s continue to get increasingly worse. if you could contact me at 989-429-7904 or email me at klake51@gmail.com I would be so thankful to hear from you. nit gets to be really hopeless. I worked at a bank for 21 years until they wouldn’t keep me with restrictions. After a self destruct depression I got a grip on my life and am running a licensed daycare in my home. I’m sure that the lifting is not helping my neck, but its keeping me from bankruptcy. Don’t know if I could live through humiliation of bankruptcy after everything else. sure hope you have something to encourage me.

    1. Hello, Kate.

      Thanks for dropping me a note on my blog–I try to get to them as soon as I can. First, having broken my own back in a motor cycle accident in 2004, I can certainly empathize with the “down-ward” spiral that comes from spinal injuries and damages. Second, there is light at the end of the tunnel–and it’s most certainly not a train…

      Cervical issues are tough to tackle by the medical profession, and even by the chiropractic profession–unless you specialize in that area. Neurologist are very informed about the CNS, but aren’t much help with biomechanical issues of the craniovertebral junction (atlas joint complex) Ironically, the atlas subluxation (AS) falls into the domain of the chiropractic physician, and more specifically, the Orthogonal based doctor. The migraines, reversed curvature, sleep disorder, depression, bulging discs, craniocervical pain and spasms fit the pattern of the ASC (Atlas Subluxation Complex) like a hand in a glove. Correcting this, and allowing the body to heal is possible, and even probable if you do the right things, and have the right things done. I’m going to have Joyce give you a call and talk with you about how we might be able to help you–because I think we can.
      I hope to hear from you soon.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  43. I recently had xrays and it is determined I have reverse lordosis. However, my chiropractor has never seen it and doesn’t know how to treat it. Do you know of a reputable person in North Carolina (Raleigh area)? How many appoinemnts does one usually need to have successful treatment and how far apart do they have to be (I am considering flying to where you are) Thanks.

    1. Hi Shelli:
      Two weeks ago I saw a young mother of 4 who suffered from symptoms that are associated with loss of cervical curvature. She traveled from another state and stayed for a week. We made major breakthroughs on her symptoms, and obtained partial curvature restoration from the two procedures that we performed during that week. I have created a unique clinical setting in my Provo, Utah clinic, in that I have brought in a neuromuscular dentist to assist with occlusal support. (sometimes this can be an important component to the atlas misalignment, and if it is not addressed, the repositioning of the atlas and restoration of the cervical curvature does not stay in the place we like it). We see people from around the country and globe who have found significant relief with our procedures and clinic protocols. I invite you to give our office a call and someone will definitely be able to help you determine whether or not my procedure is right for you.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  44. I was in a car accident 10yrs ago and have been dealing with cervical lordosis most of the symptoms I have above including high blood pressure I was seen at my pain clinic a month ago and the PA told me that she could have a bulging disc and that it was normal, funny isn’t it.

    1. Hello-

      Trauma to the cervical spine from motor vehicle accidents–even slight ones with minimal car damage–can create a world of problems in the cervical spinal cord and the lower brainstem. A investigative recent blood pressure study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension showed a strong relationship of hypertension (high blood pressure) with the Atlas adjustment.
      It truly sounds as though the car accident created an underlying structural problem which then affected the physiology. Accidents alter our “form” in small but important ways, and “function follows form”. Clinically, when I alter and align the form, the function almost always improves accordingly. Feel free to call our office and speak to our patient coordinator who can provide you more information and help determine if you’re a candidate for my procedure.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  45. Hi Dr. Chapman 🙂 , My name is Christy. I am 42 years old and have been a generally very active person until the last 5 years or so when some chronic health problems really caught up with me, especially the spinal/muscle problems. I’ve known since I was a teenager that I have a reverse cervical lordosis. This is when i noticed neck discomfort. As a child and a teenager, I had several accidents ranging from falls off horses, a rollover accident with an ATV, ice skating and skiing falls. My neck pain has become very intrusive in my life, including the discomfort it causes in my head, my shoulders, upper and lower back, and the constant spacy feeling I have. Recently (2 weeks ago) I saw a NUCCA for the very first time. I’m not sure which angle it is, but he said one of my x-rays showed a 5 degree subluxation (he stated the worst I can have a 6 degrees). It improved significantly after the adjustment, however, the spaciness has increased, and I do not notice much change in my neck discomfort. In addition to the neck problem, I do have an assymetrical face/jaw, a very stuck thoracic spine, and a scoliosis in my lumbar spine. I will be calling your office, I would like to speak to you about the possibility of coming to see you (I live in Milwaukee). Do you have any specific comments for me? Do you feel like you would be able to help me?

  46. I had a neck injury in 2011 loss feeling strength in my right arm and my neck started tiltin to the left. Started chiro care in july 2013 almosr instant feeling back slow but working my question is in october my left eye pressure went up to 42 and my vision in my left eye is blurred and pupil is larger i refuse to stop chiro care cause i can feel my arm and right hand again can neck adjusments cause this problem?

    1. Hi Jodie:
      First, in that your are experiencing some relief from the chiropractic adjustments, that is a good indication that your symptoms are coming from your cervical spine. The cervical spine becomes more complex and more important as it approaches the cranial base. The atlas occipital, atlas axial joint is particularly “tricky” to move. It is possible that the Anisocoria (unequal pupils) is caused by the chiropractic adjustment. In the last several weeks, I saw a patient who flew in from a nearby state who presented with TMJ, hand, arm and neck symptoms, along with TMJ, she had swallowing issues and anisocoria. Following the Atlas Orthogonal procedure, not only did all her symptoms resolve, but her pupils returned to normal. I would recommend a more precise correction of the atlas–this would keep the symptoms progressing without causing any new ones. Please feel free to call our office and speak with our new patient coordinator who can give you more details. Our number is 801.655.1801

      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  47. Hi Dr. Chapman,
    I wanted to write you because I’m sort of at my wits end with serious pain I have been dealing with for the last 2 years. It started out what I thought was a shoulder injury & I had surgery Aug 2012) to take off bone & take out tissue because my bursa had burst on my left rotator cuff. My rotator cuff was not torn, and of course I expected to get better soon. I still struggled with left should pain & thought that things should have healed quicker. Then in December 2012 I started developing these pains in the left side of my neck and face, to the point where I thought I had a toothache or perhaps a sinus infection. I saw an ER doc & he told me it was probably a sinus infection and sent me home with antibiotics. Well, that obviously wasn’t the problem and I continued to get worse. Horrible, terrible headaches and of course only on my left side. It got to the point that the pain was dibilitating and I quit my job. I continued to search for answers being sent to the sinus specialist, which he thought maybe it was trigeminal neuralgia, and then to the neurologist and he thought maybe trigeminal neuralgia, and of course in the meantime I’ve had 2 MRI’s done and one CT scan and nothing is showing up except for a thyroid tumor (on the right side) that I didn’t know I had and that threw a huge wrench into the mix and threw everyone off the path of finding what was really wrong. So I finally went to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and the neurologist there tells me that this is probably migraines, which I have had just a few migraines in my life and none of them were even close to what this pain was like. I tried to return to work and again was suffering so bad that I knew something wasn’t right so I have a distal clavicle excision done in Sept 2013 and it didnt do anything…so now the ortho Dr thinks it might be the c4/c5 disks in my neck. When I leaned back in the x-rays the disk looks like it slips over the back of the other. I had an injection done last week to see if it would help or if that is the problem and I don’t know if its working or not….not a huge change. My cervical spine is very straight with not hardly any curve to it, but am I on the right track?? I am so desperate to be what I was before all this happened that I just can’t think of trying to start a family or even try to work….my husband & I were married in June 2012 before all this started and I was in great shape, healthy and strong…..I am a shell of what I was. And again this is all on my left side, my right side is as if nothing is wrong. Any ideas for me? I would be grateful for any information….or maybe there is a chiro in South Dakota that would practice that would actually take the time to figure out the problem?…Let me know.

    1. Dear Jennifer:
      I read your brief history with a great deal of compassion. Sadly, yours is a common story. All of your symptoms can be related to the malposition of the atlas under the cranial base. This is a atlas subluxation; as this condition develops into the body, the body assumes compensating postures and positions, and these patterns become pathologically “locked in”. We call this an Atlas Subluxation Complex. There are a myriad of symptoms–which invite a diversity of practitioners into the process of helping you. However, good intentions aside, most of the solutions do not strike at the root of the problem. Some therapies and procedures can actually make the condition worse.. but I don’t need to tell you that.. There is a more elegant, comprehensive solution. I would like to direct you to an educational site that serves to demonstrate how the displaced atlas can affect whole-body function.

      The loss of cervical curvature is a part of the compensational posture that the neck and spine must assume to maintain some semblance of “uprightness”… but in reality it’s “upwrongness”. So, the key is to correction the underlying atlas displacement and maintain proper teeth intercuspation (anatomy of how teeth come together combined with jaw posture). We have developed the clinical technologies to solve this problem, which is a complex, biomechanical problem, with neurological components.

      I encourage you to call our office and speak to our new patient coordinator–who has a special gift in helping patients know if this procedure is right for them–and she will be very willing to speak with you. She can be reached at 801.655.1801.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  48. I have been in several accidents. I have been diagnosed as reversal c. Due to my neck and spine in my back, as well as two torn shoulders, I hav e applied for social security. I am 56 years old. I cannot get any help for i only had coverage for the other driver. my question would be does your clinic engage in any clinical trials? Desperate; Teresa Whisenant

    1. Hello Teresa:

      I am sad to hear of your situation. We have not designed any clinical trials at this point, although we do conduct clinical research and gather data. Funding sources are limited in this area of medicine for obvious reasons. I would invite you to call the clinic and speak with our patient coordinator who may have some other options for you. Also, if you would like to share radiographs of your cervical spine, let me know, and I will give you means of getting them to me.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  49. Can someone please help me understand what my XR C-Spine findings mean? I had disc/fusion surgery in March and I am in constant pain, worse then before I had surgery. I met with two different doctors a neurosurgeon who did the surgery as well as met with an Orthopedic Surgeon and both stated I must do the surgery, they had different ideas of how to do it, but I chose the Neurosurgeon. I had three bad discs, but he chose to do C6/C7 because that was the most severe and was compressed on my spine.


    The present study is compared to previous on May 11, 2013. The cervical spine again demonstrates presence of an anterior fusion bridging C6/C7 disc level. There is limited visualization of the bone plate particularly in lateral view due to patient’s habitus. There is again seen a reversal of the cervical lordosis and essentially the same degree of spondylosis as was present previously. I have an appointment in a week to meet with my surgeon, but I like to know what they are talking about, prior to me going. I appreciate all help…..


    There appears to be relatively stable-appearing anterior fusion with limited visualization of the bony screw. A significant interval change is not seen.

    1. Hello Felicia:

      Fist, are you planning another surgery? If your x-rays are digital, can you save them in JPG format and upload or send them to me via email? It would help if I was able to see them. As for the language you posted, it simply says that the cadaver bone that was installed between C6-C7 is integrating well, and that no new changes are visible. Also, it sounds like an incomplete reading, just an excerpt as it were. The reversed lordosis is part of the problem–it creates a moment arm lever and increases the pressure on the other discs that are not fused. Again, I’m speaking from the hip here, not seeing images or being familiar with your history, but the loss of lordosis should be addressed post haste! In my opinion, as well as that of some neurosurgeons, being mindful of placing hardware that enhances and supports the proper curvature, instead of supporting the straightened spine keeps the door open for the patient to have their curvature improved even after surgery.
      Let me know if I can be of service to you by looking at your radiograph.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  50. Hi Dr. Chapman,

    I’m 31 years old and I have scoliosis. Recently, I learned that my neck is curving the wrong way. I’m starting to experience bad headaches. I have a hard time focusing, my neck always hurts, and sometimes I feel like something is stuck in my throat. I would like to learn more about your procedures. I read in one of your responses that you have a connection in Seattle, WA. I also live in Seattle and was wondering if you would be willing to share his contact information with me as well? Thank you for your help, Melody

  51. I have had neck pain for many years which they contributed to Migraines only. I have had CT and MRI and X-rays. These has shown that I have Contingently Shortened Pedicles, Degeneration of the c3-c5 Vertebrae, and straightening of the Lordotic curvature. Personally I have given up on getting any help. I am on Muscle relaxers and they help somewhat. But for the most part on a pain scale I am always at a 6 and it just gets worse. Is there anything that I can do to make people listen to me. I am 34 and I do not want to be like this my whole life. I move my neck and it sounds like popping and cracking all the time, my right shoulder is so inflamed and tense that sometimes there is nothing that I can do about it. I have been to neurologist (more than one) and was at one point referred to a pain management doctor which my neuro cancelled cause he said that all I needed was Botox shot ( they did not help truthfully). I just feel like I am destined to live in pain my whole life cause, even though I have the test to back up my problems, NO ONE will listen to me.

    1. Hey there… I hear you.
      While it is true that genetically shortened pedicles will create a more narrow upper cervical spinal corridor and will result is less subluxation tolerance in that area, it is not true that stenosis in that area cannot be minimized. Anatomical variants, like smaller spinal lamina (short pedicles) can predispose one to certain syndromes and problems, but certainly does not guaranty that you will suffer from these variants. I’ve seen this clinically to many times to relegate someone to a life of misery and acceptance from something so simple. Part of the problem that develops is the simultaneity of subluxation compounding/causing hypolordosis of the c-spine. This combination of conditions and anomalous variants creates the perfect storm. If the short pedicles were the only factor, you have probably had migraines since puberty. If that is the case, there are spinal surgeries that can decompress the region such as a triple laminectomy– but, rather than take that dramatic and extreme route, I would recommend that you obtain a comprehensive evaluation of your craniovertebral junction and bite. I don’t want to error and be overly optimistic, but yours is a problem that I an my colleagues have dealt with many times in our multidisciplinary clinic for Spinal and Craniofacial Epigenetics. You might be benefited by calling the clinic and talking with Joyce who can give you some additional guidance.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  52. My wife is 35 years old. Her left shoulder started paining 2 weeks ago. I got patches at the pharmacy, thinking it was the muscle. I then got anti inflammatories. I then decided to take her to a physiotherapist who suggested x rays. The x rays came back today (30 june 2014) saying “there is loss of the normal cervical lordosis with torticollis”. I read this up and I am stressed out. I do not have medical aid. Please help me. I have a loving wife, who is a mother to 3 kids (all very healthy). Please help fix all of this. The pain, through my eyes, seems unbearable. Please help.please. Thanks faghree, gauteng, south africa.

    1. Hello:

      How long as has this pain been going on? How long has her neck been bent to the side? Any recent injuries? Can you send an upright photograph of your wife so that her shoulders, neck and head are visible? Also, if you can post the X-rays, or send them to my personal email, I will look at them. Please call our office for my private email address. Is your wife able to travel?
      The young woman on the blog that you were reading suffered from torticollis as well. It is fixable.

    2. Hello: I am sorry to hear about your wife’s condition–and most of these clinical problems are fixable with the right kind of diagnosis and treatment. The shoulder pain is likely related to the cervical spine, as the spinal nerves that go to the shoulder are from the lower neck. Can you take a photo of the x-rays are post them here? I will look at them an try to offer long-distance solutions for you. Has the physiotherapy helped at all?

  53. Hi, I wonder if you might be able to help me with my query. I was x-rayed last year and diagnosed with a ‘severe’ reversed cervix and I have experienced all the symptoms you mention. I have suffered from awful headaches for more than 20 years & I was in a head on collision accident not long before said headache problem. Furthermore I have now, at 37, been diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia with levels of 11.7 mmol/l (2.9 British level) and have been suffering with all the symptoms associated with this for a few years also. I’ve been put on the waiting list for an operation to remove the tumour but- I’m worried that my neck issues will make the operation complicated? Should I be concerned? Or is my anxiety just part of my condition and unfounded here? Many thanks for any advice I receive.

    1. Hi Kerry: Thank you for your question. Your reversed cervical spine is likely due to the head-on collision you described. Reversal of the cervical spine can compound and cause migraines and headaches and a host of other symptoms. It does this by mechanically “tractioning” and compressing the cervical spinal cord as a result of the reversal. Further, the reversed curvature, also called a cervical kyphosis, is usually not the only problem. In order for the neck structures to maintain that stressed position, there is almost always an atlas subluxation (AS). The AS likely occurred during your accident. Emergency departments are not trained to detect and measure atlas subluxation–in fact, most ED’s and medical radiologists are not trained or even interested in diagnosing atlas subluxation—unless it is extreme, and very obvious.

      Function follows form. When the cervical spine maintains a dis-optimal form for many years, it can indeed affect the function of the cervical spine. Not to wax liturgical, but the nerves, nerve plexuses, the blood vessels of the neck are all significant for thyroid function, and can be affected by the status of the cervical spine.
      Functional Thyroid in Anatomical Context of Cervical Spine
      Perhaps, there is even a relationship between the HPT and the long-term status of your cervical spine–it would be difficult to say definitively. My practice experience is plush with patients reporting some pretty extraordinary changes in other parts of their health picture in the weeks and months following a cervical curvature restoration process that are likely due to the body’s innate functionality reasserting itself. From years of practice specialization, I’m convinced that the cervical spine and the craniovertebral junction are some of the most critical regions of the human anatomy–largely due to the fact that the upper airway and neural canal are located there, and so intimately affected by the general structural status of this region. My advise would be to get the atlas in place! We’ve had patients from your neck of the world before, so it can be well worth the trip. I’d be happy to talk with you more about the cervical curvature restoration process or look at some digital images if you have any to share. Please let me know if and how I can help. Our office number is 801.655.1801.

  54. I have many pain in my left side neck, left shoulder and left arm. And I can’t move my left hand and sometimes I have numbness. The Neck Scan read that I have: c5-c6 degenerated disc with left lateral disc osteophyte complex and left uncovertebral joint arthropathy with mass efect on the left ventral cord. Severe left foraminal stenosis. I’m scare. I want to know if I need surgery and what could happen to me after the surgery if it is wrong.

    1. Hi there:
      I understand your desire not to have surgery–especially neck surgery. Most surgeons will support alternatives to their invasive surgical approach. Sometimes, surgery is the only option–but most of the time, other more conservative options should be tried first. We often see folks who have been told that they need surgery, and they end up not needing it after-all. Where are you located? Perhaps I can help you find some other options.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  55. My 32 year old daughter – who is a very hardworking mother of two and successful Cosmotologist, has such a prominent curve in her upper back and neck that she is no longer able to stand up completely straight. She hunches over and looks like an 80 year old woman with severe Osteoperosis. She is in constant agony but has been told by local physicians that there is little to nothing that can be done to reverse this condition. She was told that she has both Scoliosis and Kifosis. She is a beautiful, vibrant, intelligent and loving woman who would simply like to be able to work and care for her children without being in constant – debilitating pain. Is your treatment approach one that could potentially assist her? We reside in the small Northern California town of Chico. And while our beautiful little rural setting does house a major University College, it holds little to no true major medical and/or surgical specialists who would be skilled enough to navigate my daughters present cervical-spine care needs. And as she only has Medicaid/Medical available to facilitate the funding of her required medical care – there are very few medical providers who will even consider reviewing her case. Won’t you please help us? Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter. Respectfully – Renée A. Rasmussen

    1. Hello Renée,
      Kyphoscoliosis is a complicated structural problem, and it doesn’t seem to resolve on its’ own… that said, there are some non-invasive solutions; sadly, most are outside the “benefit package” of medicare or medicaid. Can you tell me a little more about your daughter? Any headaches, jaw pain, jaw popping, orthodontics, etc.. Please feel free to call our new patient coordinator who can talk with my more specifically about your daughters situation and how we might be of service.
      Best Wishes,
      Dr. Chapman

  56. Most people do not bother to find out what Pilates actually entails and how it can help in pain relief.
    Eventually, that constant wear may turn into a problem. Child’s pose, down dog, forward fold,
    and many of the inverted poses can be especially helpful
    for these areas.

    1. I agree with the reader that Pilates is one of the many supportive and functional techniques where a person can “take it into their own hands” and work towards solving some functional imbalances. The core, structural realigning procedures of Transdermal Atlas Positioning (TAP) using a Atlas Orthogonal instrument sets the structural foundation upon which supportive modalities and programs like Pilates, Egoscue, Yoga, Alexander Technique, Neuromuscular dentistry, etc. all should take place. Function follow form. The transdermal atlas positioning technology enters the “3D problem” of the body from the top down, and initiates a decompensating wave over time. Amazing stuff!

  57. Dear Dr. Chapman,

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I think my symptoms are linked to my neck issues that I wasn’t aware of until recently. In January this year I started using a Mandibular Adjustment Device (MAD) for moderate sleep apnea. MAD is a type of mouth guard that pulls the jaw forward and it did help with my sleep apnea. After using the MAD for a few weeks there were some changes to my body but I was not really aware of them as they were so subtle, but I did notice I wasn’t sleeping as well even though my sleep apnea symptoms were reduced. After a couple of months my dentist recommended I adjust the MAD to a larger setting. It was at this point that I connected the MAD to the occurrence of my new symptoms as they got exponentially worse (at this time I also discovered the importance of the TMJ nerve, vagus nerve and other nerves in this area of the body). The new symptoms were as follows:
    Unable to find my bite – jaw kept shifting forward and didn’t seem to fit anymore aggravating TMJ nerve.
    Increased neck pain, clicking and crunching noises in the neck when turning my head. Increased back pain.
    Achy/painful jaw muscles and tension in my head/temporalis muscles.
    Tightness in the calf muscles and piriformis muscles, so bending over was slow and painful.
    Increased frequency of voiding in the night (2-4 times/night instead of once) and sensitive bladder.
    Stabbing pain in my ears and tinnitus. Stabbing pains in my pectoral muscles.
    Extreme numbness/tingling in hands and feet post exercise/swimming.
    Chest spasms, but only at the point of falling asleep. This was the most debilitating symptom and was sometimes accompanied by heart palpitations and restricted breath. It would leave me feeling exhausted as some nights I would hardly sleep at all (i.e. fall asleep then wake up and repeat – for hours on end). I found information that the TMJ nerve was responsible for sleep/wake initiation and that it could communicate with other nerves (most of my symptoms were in parts of the body attached to the vagus nerve) so this is how I linked the TMJ to the spasms and other symptoms, plus the spasms coincided with the use of the MAD. Once I realized the connection I stopped using the MAD but all the new symptoms persisted.

    My subsequent neck X-ray shows reversal of the normal cervical lordosis which may explain why the MAD had such a detrimental effect on me. I also have mild loss of disc space height present between C5 and C7 with small vertebral body endplate osteophytes at C5/6. Minimal bony foraminal narrowing between the C4 and C6.

    I started seeing a chiropractor for cold laser therapy to my TMJ and neck, and adjustments with an activator to the base of my skull, neck and spine. This has helped with reducing many of my symptoms above (i.e. voiding became normal again, neck pain, clicking and crunching reduced etc.), but the chest spasms still remain (for which I have to take muscle relaxants every night to be able to sleep) with some other symptoms and my bite is still misaligned (jaw falls forward). I found another chiropractor who uses the atlas orthoganol where X-rays showed I also had a mis-aligned atlas. Her plan for me is to have 3 treatments a week for the next 6 months to realign my atlas and correct my cervical curve.

    My questions are:
    Do you think this many adjustments is necessary? After reading your blog I thought it may be excessive?
    So far I have had two adjustments with a hand held atlas orthoganol, at the third treatment I was told my atlas was aligned, but I do not feel any improvements yet, is it too soon?

    Do you think it is possible to return my bite back to its’ original state (prior to using the MAD) through chiropractic treatments and how is this done? Does it depend on my C2 alignment?
    What would you recommend to correct my cervical curve?
    Please can you give me any other advice that may be helpful?

    Where are you located?
    Can you recommend a chiropractor in Vancouver, Canada.
    There is also a NUCCA chiropractor in Vancouver, would this be a better treatment option?

    Thank you so much for helping with such a misunderstood issue,

      1. Dear Dr Chapman,

        I’m not sure if my post was misunderstood. I’m not experienced in these matters and was hoping for some advice from you as you are an expert in this field. If it’s too many questions to reply to I apologize and understand if you don’t have time to respond.

        For someone with reverse cervical lordosis how many adjustments is necessary (I realize this will vary depending on the patient)? W hat kind of adjustments would you recommend?Would NUCCA be the best treatment for this neck problem?

        Do you think it is possible to return my bite back to its’ original state (prior to using the MAD) through chiropractic treatments and how is this done? How important is the C2 alignment?
        What else would you recommend to correct my cervical curve?
        Please can you give me any other advice that may be helpful?

        Can you recommend a chiropractor in Vancouver, Canada?
        Thank you,

      2. Kim:
        I just got your reply again–it seems that I am much better at fixing health problems than blogging technology… I had written a response to your post, thought I cut and pasted it into my reply dashboard, and posted it. I will respond soon–the “thank you” response I made to you should have been to Antonio, another reader who left a comment just a few days after you. I do try to respond to all of my postings and patients. In the meantime, I wanted to invite you to call the office if you have questions. 801.655.1801
        Look forward to communicating soon,
        Dr. Chapman

  58. Hi just wondering about the 19 YO who was in the slide sideways auto incident and whose neck curvature was restored… Did you show her that she had upper wisdom teeth that likely would require oral surgery to correct?

    I see a NUCCA guy in Camarillo CA. The first alignment I noticed improved vision tight away. But the remainder of the day I felt OK — nothing special. But the next day after waking up… OMG the pain was reduced by 80% and my shoulders that always wanted to shrug were relaxed and about 3″ lower.

    Now I even have days where I feel something “isn’t right” only to realize I’m not in pain. How sad to have lived with pain for so long, that it seemed weird and wrong not to have it.

  59. So reading all this I have to ask my husband was not born with this nor has he had any major trauma actually no traumas at all so could what you do for work cause this? He lifts around 25,000lbs a day repetively?

    1. Hi Tiffany,
      What are his symptoms? ten and a half tons of rice everyday is quite a job… my son–who is a strapping lad of 24–does half that.
      Perhaps you can give me a little more information… but, right off the cuff, I would say that the amount of work that your husband does certainly puts him in the risk pool for repetitive strain injury.

      1. symptoms are bad neck and head pain tight neck numbness in his right arm and both hands to the point he can barely feel anything his lower back stays at about a 8-9 in pain he is getting really bad pains in his head almost headache type but super tight feeling in his lower back part of the head down through his neck he can not turn his head left or right sometimes it goes down his left side into the groin and leg and he delivers alcohol 25,000 up to 35,000 lbs a day oh and he gets this like electric shock type pain in the back of his neck and head

      2. he had a spinal cord decompression done because it was compressed at C-2-3 C-4-5 and C-5-6 he also had to have a replacement disc and a fused but even with the surgery he is getting progressively worse….

  60. I have an xray I want looked at by someone other than the doctors I’ve seen this far. If I could get someone to look at it from here, it would be greatly appreciated. I was born with a fusion of c4-c5, and a pretty significant curvature of the upper back. I was once told I had a 45 degree curve in upper back.

    1. I’m sorry, I meant for all this to be in one comment!
      I first saw a back specialist in fifth grade, I am now 33 yrs old, mother of two and in constant pain. The back specialist back then claimed there was one possible thing that could be done which was to break my back vertebra by vertebra, reset them and leave me in a halo cast at least a year, but he also said it wasn’t recommended! Other doctors & chiropractors have said surgery would give me a 50/50 chance of paralyzing me or death. Great odds.
      I have severe burning in my neck/shoulder, mainly the right side, also have what feels like electricity buzzing in my shoulder blades, neck and shoulder. My head tilts to the right now, my arms, and hands go numb constantly, especially my pinky & ring finger.
      I have lower back pain and every now and then pains down my legs. In my xray you could make a triangle with the curve, sounds crazy,I know. To look at my xray you would think I would be walking with my upper body tilted, but I don’t,I look normal.
      My MRI contradict my xray, claiming natural curvature of spine. I’m just tired of go to Dr after Dr and no one can help or even knows where to begin. It’s crazy. Any insight, help you could offer would be great. I could even email you a picture of my xray if possible. Thanks

      1. Dear Jami:
        In all your medical wondering, has anyone ever mentioned a hemi-vertebrae?
        (If you’d like to post your image here, please feel free)
        This appears to be a genetic malformation with upper thoracic hemi-vertebrae(s) present. Structurally, you can only address this malformation with surgery. That said, the malformation itself may not be what is causing the pain— it is the soft tissues of the nerves that are producing/or transmitting the pain symptoms. It is possible, even in cases of severe malformation, to re-position the head more favorably over the neck, and this creates a subtle but significant reposturing of structures below on down the spinal support system—and this “decompensation-wave” can usually take some pressure of the neuro-vascular tissues that are “expressing” the pain. Situations like yours are difficult to promise results–but I can honestly say that I have seen spines in worse condition than yours respond favorably to our procedures without surgery and/or drugs.
        Hopefully, you find this encouraging… and please let me know if I can offer any more help.
        Dr. Chapman

  61. Hello
    I was at work and I got hurt in a boating accident. A little info on that. Our motor died and we were just floating down a very rapid river. an anchor was deployed. we got a kicker motor going and was trying to bring in the anchor during this process the driver got the boat turned around over the rope and I was then inside the loop. When it got tight it was on the other side of my body first of slamming my left side onto the gunnel walls then throwing me down to the floor of the boat and trashing me back and forth from wall to steering council. Wrapping up both my legs. I manage to get the left one out while the right got pulled up higher and higher till going up and over the wall of the boat with enough force on my leg while my only body part touching the ground was my head. I did fear for my life. I am alive as you can tell but since the accident I am having trouble with pain. MRI showed partial rotator cuff tear in left Right has not been checked yet. I was told had radiciulopthy . I have had injections in my neck and 2 in my lower back. I just found out that the curve the should be in my neck is not. I was told I have mild spinal stenosis. I have tingling in my arms going down to fingers, but I also have sharp pains close to my collar bone a little lower sharp pains and pain that goes around my elbow and pain around wrist. My doctor says that the weakness I am feeling is not normal he can not explain it and the pain does not make since with a rotator cuff tear. he treats me like I am faking it. I just want to know why there is pain around both my shoulder blades and why I hurt all over it has been over 9 month and still hurting. I have had several mri’s showing most bulging disks all over but told it is just part of age. 1 year ago I out worked people in their 20’s and today I have trouble holding my head up. It goes to the left side and always hurts could the pain all be part of the neck and spine being straight instead of curved and what can I do.

    1. Wow, Patricia– you are fortunate to be alive! So, regarding the mechanism of injury… it does indeed sound like the physical tumbling and banging about that you went through is enough to cause not only the rotator cuff tears, but other problems with the junction of the head and neck as well. The pain in your upper limbs that you mentioned could indeed be coming from that undetected injury. This would also support the finding of a loss of cervical curvature–this is common but not normal in most cases. The reversal of the curve induces “tractional” forces on an already stressed nervous system–further irritating and interfering the motor and sensory pathways. If you jump over to explanation of why a shortened leg occurs the site, and enter as a visitor, it will give you a fairly simplistic, but accurate example of how cervical cord and nerve issues can affect the entire system. As for your doctor thinking you are faking it… well, is he/she the insurance doctor? or the workers comp doctor? If so, perhaps his or her paycheck depends on fortifying this perspective… I’ve seen it before, sadly. Your doctor probably is not equipped–training wise–to deal with your particular challenge. If you would like to set of a telephone conference, you may call our clinic and ask to speak to Joyce. That helps us determine whether or not we may be able to help you–or direct you to someone who can. Our number is 801.655.1801 Look forward to hearing from you should you choose to call.

  62. I’m 20 years old and I’ve been suffering with headaches daily and severe pain in all of my muscles, predominately my neck and back for 8 years.
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple of years ago and someone suggested that I ask for a neck X-ray as that is where my pain seems to originate.
    Once the X-ray was done I was told that they have found muscle spasms in my upper back that has caused my neck to lose the natural curve.
    What’s the best treatment for this?? Is there some kind of surgery or steroid that can resolve this?

    Any suggestions or help will be much appreciated!


    1. Hi Lucy:
      Sorry it has taken me a while to get back with you. What happened 8-9 years ago preceding the onset of headaches. Did this come on around the time of an injury or the beginning of menses? You are very young to be formally diagnosed with fibromyalgia–a diagnosis that raises many questions in my mind anyway– FM means, fibrous muscle pain. I understand that the cervical x-ray showed a loss of normal cervical curvature–this is from aberrant muscle activity, but why the disturbed muscles activity? I think there is more to the problem, and there is likely a structural cause somewhere at its’ root. I have dealt with this situation before many times in patients who have been told–in medical terms–a description of what they have, without any clue as to what caused it or how to treat it. It sounds like that’s where you are now. As for surgery, rarely to I recommend this because of its’ potential downsides–which will be discussed and disclosed by any reputable surgeon. Surgery should only be considered if there is a strong knowledge or WHAT is causing the symptom. As for steroids–they are a band-aid for inflammation, and rarely a good idea. They do a little good and a lot of bad. Certain life saving instances where managing life threatening inflammation and swelling is likely there best–and arguably ONLY use. Again, both your symptoms of headache and neck pain (and elsewhere I’m sure) can be coming from a displacement of the top bone of the neck called the atlas bone. side-effects of a displaced atlas joint. Give us a call if you have any more questions. We often see patients who travel distances to see us, and sometimes we are able to help you find local resources.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  63. Hi-

    I’m reading all the comments on here and I am really curious as to what the “procedure” is that everyone’s talking about?

    I am a 31 year old female and have been suffering with back pain now for about 15 years. I have lower lumbar curvature in my back, and another type of scoliosis in the upper back I believe, as well as reversal of the cervical curve in neck.

    I’ve been seeing a chiropractor now for a couple months. I did the first 12 visits he reccomended over a 3 week period, and although I was feeling great at first, now my back feels worse and hurts basically all day now. It is very tight in the upper back, and sore in the lower. I am unsure whether chiro treatment is making things worse or if I just need to stick it out longer?
    My chiro says that I am doing the right thing by continuing “treatment”, and that by coming in I am keeping it from getting worse. I don’t know what to do. If it’s truly making it worse I don’t want to keep going, but maybe it would be worse if I didn’t go? All I know is it’s getting worse and I want to weigh all my options.

    I am not a candidate for surgery as my curvature is only 18°, not that I would want to go that route anyway.
    I do not want to live with this back and neck pain forever though. I really want to know what this procedure is.

    Any info you can provide me will be helpful.

    Thank you!


    1. Hi Tara: The “procedure” is more of a combination of technologies which I use to diagnose and address the underlying cause of symptoms–reversed cervical curvature is an expression of underlying imbalance in function and structure–that is why it is so controversial in the literature–speaking as to its’ prevalence and resolution. Not every procedure is needed for every patient to resolve their problem. Most respond very nicely to our TAP protocol–that is to say, Transdermal Atlas Positioning procedure. For this procedure, I utilize the Sweat Instrument to deliver the corrective vector to C1–this resets the brainstem and allows a great deal of de-compensation to occur. It is gentle and very precise. It is an image-guided, stereotaxic procedure in the sense that 3D imaging studies are used to identify the position of the craniospinal structures prior to, and following the TAP procedure. I use the AO analysis which was developed by Dr. Roy Sweat. In many instances of reversed cervical curvature, and lateral curvature in the spine (scoliosis), there is often the presence of certain jaw/bite/occlusal discrepancies, and these need to be addressed along with the atlas corrective procedure. Some of these bite discrepancies are developmental, some are epigenetic and some are iatrogenic (doctor caused) Here, at Chapman Clinic for Spinal and Craniofacial Epigenetics, we have an array of skilled and coordinated clinicians who can and do address spinal, neurological and craniomandibular disorders. Most of the patients we see have some sort of underlying malocclusion disorder (bad or adapted bite). This affects not only the key and important functionality of the brainstem, but it also adversely affects the upper airway as well, both with structural obstructions, and other physiological obstructions such as inflammation, etc. When compromised and distressed systems start to fail, or become compromised, the body begans to compensate.. This compensation is a down-ward spiraling trend that erodes our health and wellness. Fluffy therapies usually don’t work in these cases–you have to tap into and correct the root systems–airway, neurological, biochemical. We access these functionally and structurally with procedures and appliances and orthotics, as well as nutrition. This answer probably created more questions that it answered, but please call the office and speak to one of our very educated staff if you have more questions.

  64. I will be having my first adjustment next week in Onalaska with a nucca dr. Any advice for me? I have been suffering with low back, sacrum, butt and leg pain for years. Originally it was l5s1 disc bulge. Now I have glute max atrophy and misfiring muscles.

  65. hi Doctor, the xray states: “There
    is loss of the normal cervical lordosis in the neutral position.” i have severe pain in neck, shoulders, head, radiating to arms & hand & most of the times left leg, fatigue, loss of sleep. the Mri says:”Mild degree of degenerative disc disease present in the lower cervical spine with small posterior disc osteophyte complexes at C5/C6 and C6/C7 levels causing an indentation on the anterior thecal sac. C5/C6
    Small central and paracentral disc osteophyte complex. No neuroforaminal encroachment.
    Small central, paracentral and left foraminal disc osteophyte complex causes no encroachment on the neural foraminae.
    Cervical spondylosis at C5/C6 and C6/C7 levels with no neuroforaminal encroachment or cause for right C7 radiculopathy identified.
    is there offices or doctors in South Africa that i can contact perhaps?

  66. Question about the underlying issue to my neck problem..

    I woke up one morning 3 weeks ago and could not move my neck back (chin tuck) without pain and for two days I couldn’t lift my head without support. I feel now I have gotten used to it and new muscles are making up for the issue. My muscles in the back of my neck seem to be not used or weak, but my trap muscles are overworked and always stiff. Limited movement left and right.

    I feel like something is obstructing my movement for a straight neck. I first thought I slept wrong since it came suddenly one morning, but it has not gotten better and I don’t know what baseline is anymore. My neck is leaning forward and my posture is extra perfect, or over perfect to put my head in the right place over my body.. Ribs sticking out a little to help put my head upright so it’s not so forward.

    What do you think is going on? Again I woke up with this sudden pain and limited movement, 3 weeks later I feel my whole body has adjusted for it but the problem is still there. Any insight appreciated.

    1. Hi Cameron:
      Head, neck, shoulder, scapular and jaw functionality is structurally and functionally interrelated. This means that dysfunction in one area can “functionally cross-contaminate” the other areas. The nature of the problems that you are describing are likely coming from a primary dysfunction in the cranio-cervical junction or from a malocclusion— this is a guess based on the prevalence’s that we see and correct in clinical application. Forward head posture usually indicates an Upper Airway Resistence Syndrome (UARS) wherein there is some sort of diminution of the upper airway apertures retro-pharyngeal or retro-glossily (upper throat or behind the tongue). The anterior head posturing you mentioned is simply what I refer to as the upright CPR position (Cervical Postural Repositioning) We do this instictivly because it literally open the A-P (Front to back) dimension of the upper airway.
      Questions for You:
      Do you snore?
      Do you grind your teeth, or clench?
      Do you stop breathing at night– or even during the day?
      Do you suffer from foggy thinking?
      Perhaps you should call our office for a telephone consultation.
      I hope this helps.
      Dr. Chapman

  67. convincing works and I through and through respected what you need to say, I trust you keep giving new contemplations to every one of us and welcome achievement continually for you!

  68. Hello! I stumbled on your website looking for answers. I have had pain for almost 5 years , the pain shifts from right side of neck (around c3-c4-c5-c6) to my trapezious, to my shoulder, to scapular area…only on my right side.

    I really have tried everything : from medication to trigger point injections to nerve-blocking, i tried therapy with electrodes and an other machine that i can never remember what it is (but basically is like a sonogram that creates heat), lately I have tried massage therapy with a therapist that just came here from the US (i live in Dominican Republic). I did have better results however pain is still there, and I ve noticed it always comes back during my period and lasts until around ovulation. (i suppose it could mean that i am more inflamed during those days).

    I have rectification of my neck lordosis , and always thought that maybe that was something I was born with (?) …could that be the cause of all this hell im going through, hence fixing it would stop the pain? Or could the retification be the consequence of muscle spasm and by following a relaxation regime could the cervical regain its lordosis?

    We dont have certified quiropractors in my country, so If this is the only answer to my problem I would travel to your practice and get the treatment, if possible Id like to know more about it : what it consists of? how many sessions would it take for me to get my problem solved?

    1. Hello.
      I would be very willing to speak with you directly. It sounds like you have a reversal of your cervical curvature–is that what you mean when you say, “rectification of my neck lordosis”? If so, it is important to note the relationship that the neck has with the CCJ (Cranio-Cervical Junction), and the relationship that the CCJ has with the jaw. In other words, sometimes bad bite posture–which can be developmentally adaptive, or iatrogenic can force the CCJ into a compensated and compromised condition–this can interfere with brainstem function, brain function, CSF flow, autonomic balance, etc… The bite posture can directly affect the muscular aspect of cervical lordosis, and trigger the shoulder-head-neck-scapular dysfunction, spasms and pain…OR…. a misaligned CCJ can reversely affect the jaw, thus affecting the head-neck-shoulder-scapula indirectly—or, the misalignment of the CCJ can affect the head-neck-shoulder-scapula directly. Whatever the cascade of causality is–we can usually solve the problem. One reason that practitioners have such a difficult time resolving these types of syndromes is because they are not fully diagnosing the complexity of the problem, therefor, the solution they present is inadequate. We have the technology and protocols to grapple with the occlusal, airway, spinal and mandibular components. If you’d like, I would be happy to speak with you. Our US office number is: 801.655.1801

      1. I translated the term literally from the MRI report which is written in spanish: “Rectificacion de la lordosis cervical” , means basically that the cervical spine curvature is lost, its a straight line instead of a “C” shape. I never thought it could be related to mandibular misalingment. I am intreagued ! Thank you for your reply, I just tried calling you, will try again tomorrow or monday.

  69. I was just diagnosed with reverse curve 2 days ago.

    What exactly is your treatment? Procedure? Is it surgery? A heat pack? What.

    I’m intrigued. But your article didn’t provide any information on your cure. =(

    1. Hi Justin:

      A lot of the answers are buried in the comments that I have answered over the years. There are a lot of them, so let me sort of give you a general run down of how I look at, hence treat, cervical kyphosis. First, since you received a diagnosis of reverse curve, I’m assuming this was made from an x-ray. It’s probably also safe to assume that you sought an xray or at least a doctors opinion because you have symptoms. Those can be pretty wide-ranging since the cervical spinal cord undergoes stress and tension with curvature reversal, and this can affect the jaw and bite, treatment can range from singular upper cervical correction with our NON-SURGICAL transdermal atlas positioning procedure. Reversed cervical curvature most often results from some sort of trauma–repetitive or single event cause. In these instances, the atlas is displaced under the base of the occiput and this creates (neurologically) a compensation of lower structures, starting with the cervical spine and descending downward. This is the most simple form of reversal to correct. I use some proprietary technology to correct the atlas. If there is jaw, bite or upper airway issues involved with the cervical curvature reversal, then correcting the c-spine and de-stressing the cord is not as simple as seeking out an Atlas Orthogonal certified chiropractic physician who uses the sweat instrument and tapping the atlas back into place. Often, it involves a multidisciplinary approach, which includes the use of a specially designed oral appliance. This approach is being pioneered by my clinic and my staff of doctors and dentists. Perhaps you should call and speak with Joyce, and she can give you a general idea of what to expect procedure wise. When it reaches this point, these cases are inherently complex, and not just anyone should toy around with the atlas. I hope this had at least increased your curiosity to a point where you might make a call. 801.655.1801
      PS: Heat packing is not the answer;)
      Dr. Chapman

  70. Hi Dr. Chapman,

    I am a 35 year-old female that suffers from frequent migraines, occasional teeth pain, lower to mid back pain and a bit of a chronic stiff neck that comes more than it goes. I had been migraine-free for about 5 years. The last time I experienced them was when I had lost 35 lbs, (from 160lbs to 125lbs) unintentionally, due to an overwhelming amount of stress. Those were seemingly able to be explained, however, these new migraines have me flustered.

    This past January (approximately the middle of the month), I awoke in the middle of the night with a migraine unlike any other I’d ever had. It was especially scary because I felt as though cold water was trickling down the back of my head, except on the inside of my skull. I felt that very same headache for a couple of days and could not get relief. I was also experiencing neck and shoulder stiffness to the point where I couldn’t rotate my head fully to either side. I went to the hospital for an examination. According to the doctors, everything looked fine, via x-rays. They sent me on my way and scripted me for a MRI. The MRI came back with no significant findings and, like when I was at the hospital, I was told it was probably all stress-induced. Shortly after the MRI, I experienced my first aura migraine and then my migraines were typical once again – no dripping feeling but just the regular pulsing and aching feeling in my temples that are only generally relieved with hydration, sleep and darkness. My primary care doctor put me on a round of Prednisone – 50mg per day for 5 days – to help with the neck stiffness. The stiffness never did go away – I could only make it temporarily better with careful neck stretches. The dosage proved too strong as I started experiencing severe heart palpitations and extreme doses of anxiety and depression. It took nearly 2 months to shake the side effects of the Prednisone, all the while, still experiencing the migraines on a nearly daily basis and the back pains a few times per week.

    In mid-March, I went to the Headache Center at Jefferson Hospital in Pennsylvania. There, I was given anti-depressants to help with the migraines, but I was reluctant to take them, as I did not feel it necessary to have my mood affected via drugs. I have not taken any of those medications for fear of the other effects it will have on my well-being and daily clarity/alertness.

    In May, I began experiencing dizziness/off-balance and depth-perception issues. For example, I began to be fearful of walking down steps that I normally could run down, because I felt unsure of my footing in conjunction with the distance of the next step. (I’d been an athlete my whole life, so running up and down steps were always a natural part of my routine.) My primary care doctor instructed me to start taking Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 pills on a daily basis to help with my balance/dizziness. The dizziness/balance has gotten better but if I forget to take one of those pills, I can sometimes feel the symptoms again by the end of the day.

    In June, I went back to my primary doctor and explained that my neck/shoulder stiffness was still fairly prominent and only went away for a day or so on occasion. She scripted an x-ray for my thoracic and cervical spine. My results are as follows:

    “XR Thoracic Spine 2 Views / XR Cervical Spine 4-5 Views Details:

    History: Spine pain

    Technique: AP, lateral, and bilateral oblique views of the cervical spine and AP and lateral views of the thoracic spine

    Comparison: None

    There is mild reversal of the cervical lordosis centered at C5 and straightening of the thoracic kyphosis with subtle, possibly positional, upper thoracic levocurvature. Alignment is otherwise normal.

    Vertebral body heights and intervertebral disc spaces are grossly preserved. No facet athropathy. Mild uncovetebral hypertrophy at left C4-5.

    Visualized lung fields are clear. No prevertebral soft tissue swelling.

    No acute abnormality.”

    I’ve called my primary care doctor nearly a dozen times over the past month to discuss the findings, or lack thereof, and have not received a call back yet. I’m tired of being in pain and I’m tired of having to try different medications that seemingly won’t work. 800mg of motrin does nothing. Advil does nothing. Excedrin helps for a couple of hours but results in heart palpations. When I’ve seen my primary care doctor, dentist, a headache specialist and a cardiologist. I can’t make sense of the headaches and don’t want to live the rest of my life in fear of having this constant pain/ache in my head, neck, back, jaw, etc. I’m 35 and, according to all of my doctors, I’m in “great health”. And yet I’m sitting here, typing away to you, and experiencing yet another migraine that’s reduced me to wearing sunglasses at my desk while I stretch my neck and shoulder muscles. Also, I’m sure it’s of some importance to note that I work a desk job that requires me to basically stare at a computer for 7-8 hours per day so yes, I do slouch at times. I try to correct my posture as often as possible but I’m sure I don’t fix it enough to make a real difference.

    I may live in Pennsylvania but I am willing to go wherever it takes to attempt fixing this issue. I have a 5 year-old step-daughter who needs me to be healthy and active. It’s important to me to be able to run and play with her like I can on my “good days”. I appreciate ANY insight whatsoever that you can share.

    1. Hello Trish:
      Thank you for your question and for reaching out. I have treated many individuals from around the country with your “type” of symptom picture, as I understand it from your question. I think I understand your frustration–and believe me, your doctors and dentists are probably feeling frustrated too–though most won’t admit to it.

      The collection of symptoms you describe most likely stem from imbalances and compensations in the cranio-cervical-mandibular system. The “epi-centers” triggering the problems likely stem from areas that are usually considered distinct and separate, rather than just one “classical” system—from your description, it sounds as if the masticatory system, TMJ joints and neurology, diminished upper airway space and the atlas displacement around the lower brain-stem at the cranio-cervical junction are all involved. These systems are all hard-wired, neurologically, together… and they are mechanically tied into one another structurally and functionally as well— and when they reach a state of maximal compensation from being structurally stressed, they trigger or “hyper-activate” special cells in the trigeminal nucleus, and we get one ugly headache. We do have a treatment protocol to solve this complex, multifaceted problem–and our success rate is fairly high (over 90% in even severe cases) It is a protocol that I have developed over the last five years, using a team approach. It is multidisciplinary in nature and involves special advanced imaging protocols, analysis, transdermal atlas positioning procedures (TAPP), a proprietary jaw registration procedure and then biomimetic oral appliance therapy (BOAT). The cervical curvature reversal is merely an outward sign of a maximally stressed and compensated system–also, cervical curvature reversal does place compression stress on the cervical cord, and can increase the intracranial pressure by decreasing the IcCI (Intra-cranial Compliance Index). My suggestion is to call my office and speak to Joyce. I think you will appreciate speaking to a live, knowledgeable individual who has dialogued with thousands of people struggling with your type of condition. The clinic line is 801.655.1801. I sincerely hope to hear from you soon.
      Kind Regards,
      Dr. Chapman

  71. Hi Dr. Chapman,
    I am a 23 year old male who has been struggling for close to a year now. I was diagnosed with TMJ due to strange sensations in my head as well as severe grinding neck/trap/shoulder pain. I saw a neuromuscular dentist who fitted me with an orthotic which naturally brings my jaw down and forward and improves occlusion. However, i did not notice much of a change and I know that I have a loss of curvature in my neck. I was a division 1 soccer goalie and beat my body to he**. I went and saw a NUCCA chiropractor who diagnosed me with a sublaxation (I forget how many degrees). She adjusted me but I feel like the two aren’t working together. The jaw positioning changes from the atlas adjustment and the atlas changes from the jaw orthotic. Have you ever dealt with this. Do you have any suggestions? I have been in PT working on the neck muscles but the scalenes and SCM are just locked tight. I am so young to have this happening and believe there is a cure for me. It has caused some anxiety and it is tough to function as a young adult like this especially when people don’t understand what I’m going through internally.

    1. Hello, and thanks for reaching out. I am very familiar with both the neuromuscular orthotic and the NUCCA procedure. Unfortunately, you are caught in the forceful cross-fire of two very strong procedures. When you attain an optimized bite through the myographic guidance from units that measure jaw trajectory, this will often not agree with the neurological decompensation process initiated by repositioning the atlas. We can help. In fact, our method deals specifically with this type of problem. I have a multidisciplinary team of upper cervical specialists and dentists that work together to solve the problem in all of its’ aspects. Reach out and speak to our office and request a consultation, either in person or by phone. We can help you get on with your life! 801.655.1801
      Dr. Chapman

      1. Dr. Thank you very much for the prompt response. Before I call and set up a consultation, I am from the New York area and was wondering if you knew of anyone in the New York area who utilizes a multi disciplinary approach as well that you could recommend?? It amazes me that more people do not understand the whole connection. The neuromuscular dentist I saw did say that cervical issues complicate it but she thought that PT would help that. If you can’t recommend then I will call to set up a consultation. I will do whatever it takes to beat this and feel like me again.


      2. Hello Adam: There is not a clinic that uses the multidisciplinary approach. New York would be a great place for such a clinic. I have many patients who travel from the eastern sea board for treatment. If and when you call, ask for Joyce. Dr. Chapman

  72. Hi Adam: Not sure if you got my answer to your second question. Depending on your browser, the my responses can pile up under one row on your email, and and appear to have been read already

  73. Hello Dr. Chapman, I’ve been having neck pain, cold hands and weird feeling under armpits. Armpit feeling and cold hand hasn’t happened again, only happened for a week on and off. I had an mri and it scared me, I’ve been so upset since I read it. The neurologist didn’t recommend anything except walking, could you please explain my mri results to me. My doctor and neurologist didn’t seem to worried about it but I really am. Here is the results of mri
    MRI cervical spine
    There is slight straightening of normal cervical lordosis. There is failure of segmentation at c3 c4. Vertebral body heights marrow signal intensities preserved.
    The cord is if normal volume and signal intensity. No hyper intense T2 lesions are present.
    C2c3 unremarkable
    C3c4 unremarkable
    C4c5 moderate focal disk osteophyte complex obliterates anterior CSF space and slightly indents anterior cord without compressing it. There is severe right and mild left neural foraminal narrowing.
    C5c6 unremarkable
    C6c7 moderate disk osteophyte complex contacts cord without compressing it. There is severe bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.
    C7-T1 unremarkable
    Impression- this space spondylosis results in multilevel mild central canal narrowing without cord compression. There is no evidence of demyelination within the cervical cord. Multilevel severe neural foraminal narrowing is present as detailed above.

    Is this just going to keep getting worse as I get older, I’m 39. Are the bone spurs able to go away, they are what are causing narrowing. Will fixing the cervical curve change the things that are going on like slight indent, narrowing etc.

    thanks so much. Really appreciate any guidance from you.

  74. Hi Dr Chapman I emailed you several months ago about my daughter who was in a car wreck 8 years ago I was wanted to see if you new of anyone in her area who may could help her with her neck reversal I wish you were closer for her to see you but infortantly your not. She lives in Aiken South Carolina and she is s close to Agusta Georgia any help would greatly appreciate thank you for your time. Pat

  75. Hello Dr Chapman, This blog gives me hope in my current condition. You mentioned that the normal curve has been restored without using contraptions or force. Does this mean that patient did not use any kind of equipment such as neck traction or neck brace during the course of treatment? I’m also seeing an upper cervical doctor for my cervical kyphosis and I was adviced to use a neck traction. Do you think this is necessary? or won’t it interfere with the atlas alignment? – Jasmine

    1. Hello Hasmin:
      Never had to use the traction devices–there are too many conditions that contraindicate its’ use. There are other issues that affect cervical curvature–most of those have to do with the craniomandibular system and how the upper and lower dental arches fit together in habitual occlusion. If these are accurately diagnosed and treated, no traction device is needed. As for your question–the case that you mentioned was treated exclusively with the TAP (transdermal atlas positioning) procedure and received no other treatment. I advise you to call our office and speak to Joyce if you have any other questions. 801.655.1801

  76. hi Dr Chapman, I have been having neck pain and after months of doctors miss diagnosis I ended up getting an xray ordered by my chiro. I have mild straightening of cervical lordosis likely due to muscle spasm. c5-6 spondylosis and disc space narrowing more prominent posteriorly with posterior ridging. verntral osteophytes and with hypertrophy of the uncovertebral joints encroaching on and narrowing the foramina bilaterally.there is minimal retrolisthesis noted. minimal degenerative anterior spurring at the c4-5 andminimal ossificationof the anterior longitudinal ligament at the c6-7 disc level. mild fiffuse osteroporosis. I was originally put on a steroid from an ear nose and throat doc, due to and ear ache. In December of 2015 I slipped on a hard plastic hose and landed hard on my buttocks and I believe I had a whiplash effect and that is when all my problems started, at first it was groin pain and then my ear and after the bad steroid incidence my neck and jaw started to hurt really bad, my gp told me my pain was mental and sent me to a mental doc, I had developed insomnia and became depressed they put me on remeron. now im starting to get better with my chiro and physical therapy I don’t know if you can help me I suffer jaw muscle spasms and my neck muscles are in pain often, along with lower back pain any help or info would be appreciated, thank you, john

    1. Hello John:
      I am sorry for not getting back to you earlier, I have been on a much needed holiday. I understand what you’re saying. The language from your radiology report suggest a longer standing problem that often reaches a tipping point when we are injured in the way that you described. It sounds like no one has made the connections between your various symptoms. I’m glad to hear that your chiropractic physician is helping you–traditional chiropractic treatment is beneficial for the musculoskeletal elements of your several conditions, but will likely not address the other elements such as depression, sleep disturbances and jaw pain. Let me ask you, “do you clench or grind your teeth, or hold your lower jaw into a clenched position?” Can you share your x-rays?

      1. i don’t have jaw pain at all, but when I lay on my back my jaw can spasm. I don’t clench or grind, I was fitted for a mouth guard years ago and wore it all the time. when this all happened to me I went to my dentist he examined my jaw and a panoramic xray , he said all looked very good and he also examined my mouth guard that was still shiny after years with no evidence of wear that would lead me to believe I don’t grind or clench. I have never woke with jaw pain ever. I took steroid and muscle relaxants last march and all my problems where magnified. I now have hissing in my left ear since taking drugs, my chiro said they put me in a fight or flight mode but that was last march and im still suffering. I have been doing pt and it has helped me and im now seeing a tmg specialist who is doing deep tissue I have had two visits he said it should take about a month to see results. when he digs in by my shoulder and shoulder blade it refers serious pain to the left ear, that is the ear that has had aches for a year now. could that be the cause of the ear pain and ringing, thank you for your consideration, john

  77. Where are you located? And do you accept Medicare? Thanks in advance for any information you can send. I have multiple spinal problems from C1 to L5 and have had both laser and traditional surgeries on thoracic and lumbar areas. One doctor wanted to remove an inch or two of neck bone, but I am not sure this is the way to go. Please help. Thank you!

    1. Hello Tracey– The only time I would consider removing anything is if it did not belong there– We offer a different perspective and successful treatment options for a variety of common conditions, pre or post surgery. Please feel free to call our office and speak to Joyce–she is very generous with her time and knowledge and can answer many specific questions for you. 801.655.1801
      Hope to hear from you soon. Dr. Chapman

  78. Dr. Chapman where is your office located. I have 3 types of dystonia Blepharospasms, Cervical Dystonia and Meige Syndrome. I get botox every 3 months and taking pain meds along with 2 other medicines for spasms.

  79. How do no get in Contact with you about possibletreatment? I’m a complex case with a long history. I have Ehlers Dan los syndrome. I have degeneration of c5-6, loss of curve, bulging disk, reveres curve and slight sideways curve. I have an extremely hyper mobile neck and spine. This has progressed quickly in the last year and a half to the point of disability. It’s now so bad it pulls my jaw out,my top ribs out, clavials and shoulders out, vertebrae out, searing pain, can’t be upright for more than a few hours Max, can barley hold my head up some days, minimal activities cause severe pain even on pain meds. Was told today by neurosurgeon if I didn’t have eds I would be getting a disk replacement and fusion but one fusion will cause area above and below to eventually have the same issue and it will be a domino effect til I’m fused from skull to thoracic. My pt thinks I have cci but neuro won’t look for it. I’m 28 and losingg my life. I haven’t worked in 2 years and can’t get disability like most it’s taking forever. I’m desperate to stop this somehow. Right now the plan is biofeedback, pain meds, accepting being disabled and watching the vertebrae and waiting for not to fuse and hope it fuses in a decent curve. I’m miserable and declining fast. I doubt I could even afford treatment t as I’m a hair away from being homeless but I’m desperate to try to find and answer as the wait for it to fuse and accept the searing pain at this age sounds like an awful plan.

  80. Dr. Chapman, I had ADR (artificial disc replacement with MOBI-C) two level at c5-6 and c6-7 12/23/2017. The many doctors I have spoken to believe I experienced trauma, possibly playing hockey. One reason is I have x-rays from 6/2016 showing no issues with discs and a healthy cervical curve. I worked with a chiropractor last year from 2/16-6/16 but stopped. I experienced a herniated disc c5-6 and bulging c6-7 12/16/17, loss strength right arm and severe compression, then surgery 12/23. The herniated disc and compressed nerve was incredibly painful. Never experienced pain like that. Looking at x-ray before 12/20 and after surgery 1/30/17 side view it looks like where ADR was done there is slight curve, then straightens at c4 and looks slightly reversed from c4 to c2. I no longer have pain since surgery because decompressed c6 root nerve and my right arm bicep is gaining slight strength. Hoping nerve damage was just Neuropraxia level only. To be more accurate I can bicep curl 27.5 lbs right arm 5 times and left arm 15 times. Before and 3 weeks after surgery could not do one bicep curl with same weight. I can also now do one pull up. Just want to explain my current weakness. I am concerned about my curve in spine now! I do not have full x-ray, but I have upper xray from t1/c7 and up side view and in front. Along with what I believe slight reverse cervical curve my c7 or from bottom of c6 looks out of alignment. My right shoulder is lower. Since early January I have been doing PT, will see neurologist soon, MRI and EMG scheduled for 2/27, and started seeing a NUCCA chiropractor 2/22/17. Reading through this blog and website I believe you are at the top of the industry. I don’t know if you have ever worked with someone who has had ADR surgery to cervical neck and corrected their curve, but I am asking if you believe I have hope? I live in Minnesota and Utah is far, but will be grateful for any advise or any good orthogonal Doctor near me. If I had to I would go to your location to get the treatment I need. It would just be a great challenge. I do not know the main difference between NUCCA and Orthogonal. I basically am learning since the surgery so please forgive my naiveness or thorough story about my situation. I have just discovered Orthogonal and NUCCA this Monday 2/21 and fully believe the logic about correction of Atlas and I am simply being proactive as I started with NUCCA Doctor 2/22. Again, any advice on what I should do? Is NUCCA and Othogonal methods similar and both accurate. Should I switch to Othogonal. I am 44, was a good athlete until this happened, wish to improve my cervical curve, entire spine, and live healthy as possible remaining years of my life. Thank You!

  81. Dear Dr. Chapman. My 15 year old son was involved in a car accident in 2010, when he was only 8 years old. He was taken by ambulance to the ER, and kept on a stretcher in a neck brace for over 9 hours. All the xrays and tests came back fine, and the released us to go home. For the past couple years, he has been complaining about extremem back pain, knee, ankle, elbow and joint pains. We took him in October to get checked out, and after having xrays performed, they found that he has a reverse curve. Looking at all the symptoms this will cause, he has most if not ALL of them. Here is my question.. is it possible that the accident could have caused the reverse in his curve and it either wasn’t caught at the time, or it has gotten worse over time??? Thank you for your help.

  82. Dr. Chapman, I have been dealing with worsening neck and shoulder pain, no longer feeling relief from Chiro treatment. I had an X-Ray that showed lack of curvature in C-spine, and 14 degree scoliosis in lower back. I never have lower back pain. Its always middle and neck pain. I have done Graston treatments and lots of decompression, which really has no relief. I have traveled to an Ortho neurosurgeon in Dallas, did not recommend any surgery. I have not had any accidents that I can remember but each doctor asks me are you sure, they say my neck looks like i have had a major accident and possible scar tissue. The MRI showed bulged discs at C2-C5, and loss of curve of neck. I don’t seem to get head aches, just constant neck and shoulder burning. I try so hard to have good posture and stretch and exercise. I have changed my diet to decrease inflammation, and nothing has worked. I am only 35 and its affecting my time with my 4 year old. I have lost all desire to go anywhere or do anything with my family. My neck pain and burning is causing me so much stress. I am willing to do anything at this point to fix the problem and get my life back. I will travel if I need to but I live in South Texas.
    I am glad I found this article I can see I am not alone. I just don’t see how i have all these issues at 35, and I hate complaining about my pain to my husband and letting affect my life. he is supportive but i am sure its gets old and he thinks i don’t love him or my child because I never want to do things with them.
    Any feedback or time for a consultation is appreciated.

    1. Hello, Micah.
      There is hope for you. I have heard “your” story many times, from many people. I have found that a more comprehensive approach is needed, beyond much of the individual musculoskeletal and or surgical treatment and diagnosis. The ortho surgeon detected an injury, but is thinking “event” rather than sustained, functional trauma to the Cervical region that creates the same “visualized” effect in the radiograph image.
      We take a unique, and highly affective diagnostic approach which leads to a functional cure of this condition.
      I recommend that you explore our treatment options further by reaching out to our clinic and speaking to Joyce.
      We can be reached at 801.655.1801
      Warm regards,
      Dr. Chapman

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